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Showing posts with label Aurangabad. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Training Programme in Research Methodology in Social Sciences at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,
Department of Library and Information Science
ICSSR, New Delhi 
Training Programme in Research Methodology in Social Sciences
About the Course
          Social science research is becoming more challenging day by day due to emerging trends in it .Hence majority of the young researchers face problems in identifying research  topic, choosing an appropriate methodology and framing a feasible research design.. Review of literature; identification of research issues;  formulation of objectives and hypothesis; sampling techniques; sources of data and methods of data collections; selection of tools of data collection; conduct of field work; application of suitable analytical  techniques; and reporting of results are some of the formidable aspects of research activity. In order to train  the researchers who are in the initial stages of research, the Department of Library and Information science,  Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad is conducting a 10-day Training Programme
on  “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science  Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.

Objectives of the Course
          The Course aims at imparting basic skills relating to research methodology; acquainting students  with skills relating to collection of data; training the students in use of statistical and computing facilities; and developing essential writing, presentation and reporting skills.

Who can apply?
          Newly registered research scholars and teachers from social sciences, i.e., Library and Information 
Science, Mass communication and Journalism, Economics, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Public Administration ,Psychology, Sociology, Social Work and Women’s Studies; and research scholars, 
in their early stages of research are eligible to apply.

Expected Outcome
          By the end of the programme, the participants are expected to be conversant with the research process and prepare a synopsis on the topic of their research.

Course Duration: 26th November, 2012 to 05th December, 2012 (10 days)

Registration Fees and Facilities
           The selected candidates are expected to pay registration fees at the time of registration @ Rs.1000 
for teachers, Rs.500 for Ph. D. scholars with fellowship and Rs.200 for Ph. D. Scholars without fellowship.  
           Selected outstation participants will be paid II Class sleeper/ actual bus fare towards TA, 
accommodation (only for outstation candidates) and moderate boarding.
The last date for receipt of the filled in application is November 15, 2012
           The interested enrolled research scholars and teachers should send the application form (format  enclosed) along with a research proposal (not more than 3 pages) by post/courier/hand/e-mail to: Dr  Vaishali Khaparde, Course Coordinator , ICSSR Sponsored Training Programme in Research  Methodology in Social Sciences, Department of Library and Information Science, Dr Babasaheb  Ambedkar Marathwada University ,AURANGABAD -431 004. . Announcement and Application Form can also be downloaded from
For details contact:
Dr. Vaishali Khaparde, Head ,  9960984479,
Department of Library and Information Science, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,