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Showing posts with label Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delhi. Show all posts
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Friday, August 13, 2021
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Library Trainee require at DESIDOC
DESIDOC Recruitment 2014– Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre, Delhi is
inviting applications from qualified candidates for Apprenticeship in
DESIDOC. Total 40 vacancies in various disciplines are available in it.
Notification is published in Defence Research & Development
Organisation Some important details like qualifications, age and stipend etc. are given. Please read carefully and apply.
DESIDOC Apprentices Recruitment 2014 Information
Disciplines and Vacancies
Degree in Library & Information Science: 10 Vacancies
Diploma in Library Science: 8 vacancies
Degree in Computer Science (B.Tech only): 22 Vacancies
Stipend: Rs.3560/- for degree holders and Rs.2530/- for Diploma holders
Application Process:
Interested candidates can download the application format from and send it properly filled in attached with credentials to “Director DESIDOC, Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054” so as to reach latest by12th September, 2014.
Official Notification with Application Format
Monday, August 11, 2014
Library Automation and Networking Training Course@ NISCAIR, New Delhi
Library Automation and Networking
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) is organising a short -term course in Library Automation and Networking. The objective of the course is to make participants understand the application of IT in libraries, current trends in library automation, library automation software packages, barcode technology, radio-frequency identification, digital libraries, database creation and resource sharing as well as networking.
Eligibility: R&D personnel, science communicators, library and information science staff/students, middle and senior level managers.
Fee: Rs 5,200 with accommodation.
Duration: September 15 -19.
Number of seats: First-cum-first-serve-basis.
How to apply: Send in the filled-in application form to the institute.
Last date of admission: A week before the start date |
Free Seminar on 12th August 2014 @ JNU, New Delhi (IASLIC, AMLA, JNU) Supported by Informatics (India) Limited
Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University
in association with
Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres (IASLIC),
Association of Media Libraries and Archives
Supported by
Informatics (India) Limited
is organising
One Day National Seminar on
Changing Role of Librarians in Digital Era
A Tribute Dr. Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972)
(122 Birth Anniversary of Dr S. R Ranganathan)
12th August, 2014 (Tuesday)
Auditorium, SSS, JNU
Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in partnership with Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres (IASLIC), and the Association of Media Libraries and Archives is organizing a 'National Seminar on Changing Role of Librarians in Digital Era' on 12th August 2014 to mark the tribute to Dr. Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan on his 122 Birth Anniversary. The Seminar is supported by Informatics India.
Dr. S R Ranganathan
Dr S R Ranganathan (1892-1972) was a visionary and an institution in himself who earned accolades around the world for his in depth knowledge and development of library science education in India. His incessant endeavour, innovative ideas, arduous commitment, determination and dedication earned him many honours, titles and rewards. The supreme award bestowed upon him was the Padmashri by Government of India in 1957. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and the development of the first major analytico-synthetic classification system, the colon classification. He is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science in India and is widely known throughout the rest of the world for his fundamental thinking in the field of Library Science.
To memorise him and to give him a tribute on his birth anniversary on 12th August the Seminar is organised. The theme of the Seminar is Changing Role of Librarians in Digital Era which will provide the insight of how the role of Librarians has been changed over the years and does the theories of Dr S R Ranganathan still are prevalent in the present world of Librarianship in India.
Changing Role of Librarians
The migration of resources to online platforms and increasingly sophisticated cataloguing, referencing technology and open source libraries software's have the potential to free up both librarians' time and library space to be devoted to new initiatives. The internet is therefore growing rather than reducing the potential of – and the need for – libraries. So, the purpose of this seminar is to sketch up and understand the role of Librarians in modern times and identify the challenges they face, the expertise they have, and the skills they need. The seminar will discuss the issues like the new competencies of librarians which have to be strengthened, technical platforms for publishing and archiving which have to be developed, the finance management which have to be redirected from paying for getting access to paying for providing access.
The seminar will revolve around the areas of discussion in context to Changing Role of Librarians given below but not limit to:
- New innovative and modern services for diverse library users
- Navigation in a complex world of Internet
- Digital solutions / software's /services in Modern Libraries
- Supporting research
- Rethinking library spaces
- Improving the learning experience of users
The seminar will also try to find out answers on some of the aspect given below:
- To what extent, and in what ways, are libraries likely to change?
- What new roles will librarians come to have in the changing information environment?
- What aspects of the libraries will prove the most resistant or impervious to change?
- Will technology finally spur a recasting of how the knowledge is disseminated?
The seminar will also deal with the Library Associations in India and discuss the related to core issues of Libraries.
The conference is open to all Library and Information Science professionals. The academicians/researchers interested in modern libraries and librarianship may also attend. There is no registration fee. Registration is restricted to only 150 participants on "first-cum-first serve basis".
Registration is mandatory. Only 150 participants on first-cum-first served basis will be registered. Please use the below link for registration:
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Vacancy of Senior Library & Information Assistant and Library Assistant in Sahitya Akademi
Sahitya Akademi
Advertisement No. : SA/50/5/2014
An autonomous organisation fully funded by Ministry of Culture,Government of India, invites application for the following posts:-
1. Senior Library & Information Assistant (1 post, HO) (UR)
Pay Scale: PB II - Rs.9,300-34,800 with G.P. 4,200
Educational & other qualifications:
Essential: 1. B. Library Science
2. Five years’ experience in a library of standing
3. Good knowledge of computer application in library.
1. M. Library Science
2. Working knowledge of 1 or 2 Indian Languages in addition to mother tounge.
Age Limit: Upto 30 Years
2. Library Assistant (1 post, HO) (UR)
Pay Scale: PB I - Rs.5,200-20,200 with G.P. 2,400
Educational & other qualifications:
1. B. Library Science
2. Basic knowldege in computer application.
Age Limit: Upto 30 Years
Those working in the govt. or semi govt. organization should apply through proper channel. Incumbent may be transferred to any office of the Sahitya Akademi.
Neatly typed applications with full particulars addressed to Secretary should reach Secretary, Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001 within 30 days of date of publication of Advertisement.
Application received through email will not be accepted.
The envelopes should be superscribed
“Application for the post of (name of the post applied for).”
website :
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Miranda House library shows the Vijetha S.N. (Source: The Hindu, 13 March 2014)
Miranda House library shows the way
Author: Vijetha S.N.
NEW DELHI: Dingy corners, zero natural lighting, dusty books -- replete with yellowing pages -- that seemed to have never left the shelves: all this pictured in a crumbling library set up all those years ago is sadly what you come to expect when you walk into almost any college library in Delhi University’s North Campus. But Miranda House is truly an exception – be it for its square footage, colour-coded books, Braille library or the multiple seating arrangements sans dust. “The total carpeted area is around 21,275 square feet, we have about one lakh books dating from the founding days in the 1940s which are being constantly rebound, we also have e-books available as well as a digital resource centre,” said college Principal Pratiba Jolly, while conducting a tour of the library building which is a stand-alone structure of mammoth proportions in a corner of the college. “The original building was in the style of the 1970s when it was built, but we recently had the red-bricks added to the outer structure to blend in with the rest of the college,” she added. Renovations are still going on at the three-floored library, with a lift in the works. Ms. Jolly explained that any construction work had to be timed in order to not inconvenience the students. Miranda House is also one of the few colleges which keeps its library open until 7-30 p.m. Almost every other college library shuts shop at 3-30 p.m. This is in addition to the department libraries which are located in different buildings. The new four-year undergraduate course which has sought to do away with text-books has also prescribed a long reading list, and even here Miranda House seemed to be one of the few colleges which seemed to be consciously making sure enough copies were available. Another factor that tipped in favour of this college’s library was the importance given to reading for pleasure. An entire section was decided to fiction and poetry, contemporary and old. There was English and Urdu, Punjabi and even Tamil. “We organise book sales where we procure books from faculty and alumni and sell them for a smaller price to students and faculty.” There are separate seating arrangements to read and reference with enough natural and artificial lighting, and most importantly a separate section for the faculty is also being renovated. The college funding is not more than the funding given by the UGC to its neighbouring colleges whose libraries are not spaces that anyone would wish to spend any time in. But as Miranda House has displayed, the other colleges too -- now flushed with funds after the OBC expansion – can easily take a leaf out of this book.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
International Conference Tecnia SRFLISindia Summit-2014 On Content to Connectivity -Paradigms Shift in knowledge Innovation, Information representation, Information Management Systems and Librarianship
Dear LIS & Management Professionals,
It is is my immense pleasure to inform you that Tecnia Institute and SRFLISindia jointly organize an International Conference at India's capital Delhi. It is requested to you kindly
participate in this conference and make a grand success to attend this Two days event.
International Conference
Tecnia SRFLISindia Summit-2014
Content to Connectivity -Paradigms Shift in knowledge Innovation, Information representation, Information Management Systems and Librarianship
Important Dates
· Conference Dates: 11-12April, 2014
· Submission of Full Papers: February20, 2014
· Decision on Acceptance of Papers: February 28, 2014
· Camera Ready Copy and Registration: March15, 2014
Send your papers before 20 Fev. 2014
Dr. KP Singh,
BSc (Agri), MSc (Hort.), MLIS, MSc (IT), PGCDA, M.Phil, Ph D (LIS)
Senior Assistant Professor & Principal Investigator
Department of Library and Information Science
Phone: 91- 98180-57510; 91-996800 985
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Sikandra Road
New Delhi - 110001
Phone/Fax: +91-11-23711222
No.of posts:01
Post: College Librarian
Category: UR
No.of posts:01
Post: Library Attendant
Category: OBC-1
Send your applications to Director, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi.Road, New Delhi-110001 on or before 26th February, 2014 For more details,please visit
Last Date to Apply: 26 Feb 2104
Monday, January 27, 2014
Library and Information Professionals Summit 2014 From Brick to Click: Transforming Libraries into Social Spaces” Friday-Saturday, 7-8 February 2014
University of Delhi South Campus & Society for Library Professionals (SLP)
in Association with
UN Information Centre-New Delhi &
Special Libraries Association, Asian Chapter
are pleased to announce two- day
Library and Information Professionals Summit 2014
“From Brick to Click: Transforming Libraries
into Social Spaces”
on Friday-Saturday, 7-8 February 2014 at New Delhi, India
Conference Theme
With the emergence of distributed forms of information in a double click environment, the role of physical libraries have changed considerably over the last ten years, to reflect changes in the nature of education. The importance of collaboration, group work and communication in teaching and learning are widely recognised and the central role of the library as a repository of facts and information is changing. While it is still important to have this kind of resource, it has proven to be a diminishing draw in terms of library traffic.
The notion of transforming libraries into social and cultural spaces is an expansive role for the future library not only serving as an information resource, but much more, with the exact mission and goals evolving and changing over time. A culture-based library is one that taps into the spirit of the community, assessing priorities and providing resources to support the things deemed most important. Libraries are in a unique position to experiment with creative spaces so the future role of the library can define itself. Since the role of the library 20 years from now is still a mystery, libraries need to put their heads together to scratch the surface of many more changes to come and determine what ideas are drawing attention and getting traction.
The conference aims to address the main issues of concern within the framework of this transformation.
Program Structure
The conference program will include plenary sessions, invited and contributed papers, poster sessions, product presentations, panel discussions and an exhibition. A series of parallel sessions will be held offering delegates a wide range of in depth presentations by leading national and international experts.
Submission of Papers
Unpublished research papers on different themes of the conference are solicited by January 15, 2014. Submission of full papers (not more than 5 pages) with an abstract in approximately 200 words, keywords and references on A4 size paper with margin 1.5 cm on all sides in MS Word format in 10 points New Times Roman type single line spacing. Length of the paper should not exceed 4000 words. Details such as name of the author, designation, title of the article, abstract, name of the affiliating institution, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address are to be included. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by 15 January 2014. Selected papers will be published in the proceedings.
Registration Fee [Accommodation Extra on actual basis]
Early Bird Registration
till 15 Dec. 2013
Ist January 2014 onwards
Dates to Remember
Last Date for Submission of full paper
January 15, 2014
Early Bird Registration
December 31, 2013
Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings, only if Registered on or before
January 15, 2014
Registration Charges are payable by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Society For Library Professionals” New Delhi.
Looking forward for your participation
Dr.Tariq Ashraf
Organising Secretary & Librarian
University of Delhi South Campus
New Delhi-110021-India
Ph-011-24110221 Cell No. 9868335593
Dr.Tariq Ashraf
Organising Secretary
Library and Information Professionals Summit 2014
From Brick to Click: Transforming Libraries into Social Spaces”
Friday-Saturday, 7-8 February 2014
Librarian I University of Delhi South Campus I Benito Juarez Road New Delhi (India )110021 I Email: i I Ph: 011-24110221 Fax: 011-24110221 I M:9868335593 I Website:
Dr. P.K.Jain
Institute of Economic Growth
University of Delhi Enclave
DELHI- 110007. India
Ph. 91-11-27667463
Fax: 91-11-27667410
Mobile (Cell): 91 9899110787
Institute of Economic Growth
University of Delhi Enclave
DELHI- 110007. India
Ph. 91-11-27667463
Fax: 91-11-27667410
Mobile (Cell): 91 9899110787
Monday, January 20, 2014
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