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Showing posts with label career in LIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career in LIS. Show all posts
Monday, June 18, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Assistant Librarian Vacancy, Sri Sri Institute of Technology and Managment
Post:- Assistant Librarian
Org:- Sri Sri Institute of Tech. & Management
Location:- Kasganj, U.P
Qualification and Salary:- As per AICTE & University Norms
Contact:- 9837307771
Last Date:- One Week from the date of Publication ie 20 June 2012
Source:- Times Ascent, The Times of India, 13 June 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Library and Information Science Education in India- Options, Opportunities and Places
There has been enormous growth in education and higher education around the globe. Every country worth its name has developed a system of education and infrastructure to educate its people, and India is no exception. There has been a fast growth in institution of higher education since the dawn of twentieth century and more particularly, after India attained independence in 1947. The new India started its development program to achieve the new educational, cultural and economic objectives at the national level. Such developments at these institutions contributed to the development of more libraries, which in turn had to accept new responsibilities to meet society’s changing needs and demands. Libraries are recognized to play an important role in education, scientific research and social-economic development of a country. This envisages the need for professionally qualified personnel to manage and run the libraries and information centers effectively and efficiently. In order to feed the growing number of libraries, more trained library professionals were needed. For this purpose, library science departments started springing up, and library science developed into a distinct field of specialization with its own normative principles, theories, techniques, and practices that were deemed sufficient to meet the growing dimensions of library services. Handling of recorded knowledge in modern libraries has given birth to the functional aspects of collecting, organizing and promoting the use of reading materials relevant to the users through information transfer activities. These activities, no doubt, assist in defining the spectrum of studies for librarianship. The basic tenet of LIS education is to provide balanced training, integrating theory with practical exercises, and to cover all aspects of professional work with equal emphasis embracing new frontier of librarianship. LIS education aims at providing trained manpower to manage different types of libraries, information and documentation centers which, over a period of time have undergone changes in terms of needs, functions, types and range of services offered as well as tools and techniques being used when offering the services. Research in library and information science in India is not deep rooted. In the beginning it was in the form of a trail and error method. It was Padamashee S R Ranganathan (1889-1972) who lifted librarianship to the level of a science with the formulation of laws of library science, and establishment library schools and research centers. He even graded them as normative principles, fundamental laws, canons, principles and postulates. Ranganathan cut new grounds and blazed new trails in library and information science initially by solo research. This is evidence from the published literature that Ranganathan era’s is characterized by a period of intellectual contribution to the library and information science, particularly library classification. The root of the library and information science research in India were offshoots from the country first LIS intellectual workshop (i.e., Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi) instituted by the Dr SR Ranganathan a doyen of library science profession in India in 1946. And the first research fruit in the library and information science in the country even in the commonwealth countries was awarded by the University of Delhi in 1957 to the DB Krishna Rao for his thesis ‘Facet Analysis and Depth Classification of Agriculture’ under the supervision of Dr. SR Ranganathan.
Historical Development
The modern period in the history of education for librarianship began in the mid-1800s as librarians around the world recognized that systematic education and training were required so that order could be brought to the collections that had been growing in all libraries. The need for professionally qualified personnel to manage and run these libraries effectively and efficiently was duly recognized during the first half of the present and consequently, the library education programme had been started at several places much before Independence. The history of the education of library science in India may be traced far back as the year of 1911 with the starting of a short term training programme in library science in the Baroda State, under the patronage of Maharaj Sayajirao Gaekwar of Baaroda, who, impressed by the splendid work done by public libraries in the West, secured the services of an American librarian Mr. W. A. Borden as Director of the State Library Department. Mr. Bordon had been a pupil of Mr. Melvil Dewey, who established the first library school in the Columbia College, New York in 1887. In 1915, another student of Dewey, Mr. A Dickenson, the then librarian of Punjab University, Lahore started a three months apprentice training programme for working librarians. Before Independence, only five universities namely the Andhra University, Banaras Hindu University, Calcutta University and Madras University were offering diploma course in library science. Library education was given a new status and design by Professor S. R. Ranganathan in 1920, when the first systematic programme in library education was started under the auspices of the Madras Library Association in collaboration with the Madras University. This library school was subsequently taken over by the Madras University in 1931 and in 1937 the course was converted into Postgraduate (PG) Diploma in Library Science. This was the first diploma programme in Library Science in India. University of Delhi was the first university to establish a full-fledged Department of Library Science just before independence in 1946, and started admitting students to the PG Diploma in 1947. In 1951, the diploma was changed to Master in Library Science (M.Lib.Sc). Later, between 1956 to 1959, six new LIS departments were established at Aligarh Muslim University, M.S.University of Baroda, Nagpur University, Osmania University, Pune University and Vikram University. Since 1960s, the number of LIS departments has continued to increase. After Independence the stimulus for the growth and development of libraries and library science education has come from the progress in and extension of education, scientific research and programmes of socio-economic development which started in 1951 with the commencement of the First Five-Year Plan. As a result of these developments, Library and Information Science today is a well-recognized discipline of study and research at the post-graduate level in more than hundred universities in the country. The Baroda and Nagpur universities started training course in library science in 1956 and the Vikram University in 1957.
Historical Development
The modern period in the history of education for librarianship began in the mid-1800s as librarians around the world recognized that systematic education and training were required so that order could be brought to the collections that had been growing in all libraries. The need for professionally qualified personnel to manage and run these libraries effectively and efficiently was duly recognized during the first half of the present and consequently, the library education programme had been started at several places much before Independence. The history of the education of library science in India may be traced far back as the year of 1911 with the starting of a short term training programme in library science in the Baroda State, under the patronage of Maharaj Sayajirao Gaekwar of Baaroda, who, impressed by the splendid work done by public libraries in the West, secured the services of an American librarian Mr. W. A. Borden as Director of the State Library Department. Mr. Bordon had been a pupil of Mr. Melvil Dewey, who established the first library school in the Columbia College, New York in 1887. In 1915, another student of Dewey, Mr. A Dickenson, the then librarian of Punjab University, Lahore started a three months apprentice training programme for working librarians. Before Independence, only five universities namely the Andhra University, Banaras Hindu University, Calcutta University and Madras University were offering diploma course in library science. Library education was given a new status and design by Professor S. R. Ranganathan in 1920, when the first systematic programme in library education was started under the auspices of the Madras Library Association in collaboration with the Madras University. This library school was subsequently taken over by the Madras University in 1931 and in 1937 the course was converted into Postgraduate (PG) Diploma in Library Science. This was the first diploma programme in Library Science in India. University of Delhi was the first university to establish a full-fledged Department of Library Science just before independence in 1946, and started admitting students to the PG Diploma in 1947. In 1951, the diploma was changed to Master in Library Science (M.Lib.Sc). Later, between 1956 to 1959, six new LIS departments were established at Aligarh Muslim University, M.S.University of Baroda, Nagpur University, Osmania University, Pune University and Vikram University. Since 1960s, the number of LIS departments has continued to increase. After Independence the stimulus for the growth and development of libraries and library science education has come from the progress in and extension of education, scientific research and programmes of socio-economic development which started in 1951 with the commencement of the First Five-Year Plan. As a result of these developments, Library and Information Science today is a well-recognized discipline of study and research at the post-graduate level in more than hundred universities in the country. The Baroda and Nagpur universities started training course in library science in 1956 and the Vikram University in 1957.
Present Status of LIS Education in India
Since its inception decades ago, LIS education has grown and developed into a full-fledged multi-disciplinary subject. LIS courses at bachelors, masters and research level are being imparted by different institutions – university departments, colleges, library associations and specialized institutions. There are now 96 universities in India imparting Library and Information Science education as independent departments in different levels. Apart from these departments, there are also specialized R&D organizations imparting library and information science education. Worth mentioning is the two years Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (ADIS) imparted by Documentation Research & Training Institute (DRTC), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (Karnataka) and National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR) formerly INSDOC, New Delhi which is equivalent to Mater degree of Library & Information Science (LIS). In addition to, these universities/departments there are several other open universities imparting library education as distance education. The professional associations such as Delhi Library Association (DLA) and the polytechnic institutions throughout the country are also imparting LIS education as lower level such as Certificate/Diploma in Library & Information Science. With the realization of the importance of higher education and research, research in Library education is not lagging behind like other disciplines. The University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) are promoting research in library and information science by awarding scholarships to doctoral students.
Objectives of Library and Information Science Education
Objectives of Library and Information Science Education
The goal of library and information science education is the preparation of personnel for the task of successful performance at different levels of competence in different types of libraries with an insight into the role of these libraries in a fast changing society. It should impart a thorough grounding in the intellectual foundations of the profession and competence in the technical and technological skills required for their day-to-day practice in different positions. In other words, education for library and information science should be both knowledge and theory oriented task or practice oriented. The two aspects of theory and practice should blend harmoniously in a sound programme of library and information science education because on this will depend the effectiveness and success of the programme. In achieving this objective the methods of teaching and evaluation employed are as important as the quality of the faculty. The main objectives of LIS profession are to: provide training for building up leadership qualities among the LIS profession; develop knowledge on the latest techniques of information storage, transfer and retrieval; help to acquire necessary skills in handling, accessing and application of electronic resources, tools and media; and help to know the latest developments in the Information Technology (IT) To sum up, the basic aims of library and information science education may be as follows
- To develop necessary technical skills;
- To develop administrative skills;
- To develop service orientation;
- To develop thorough knowledge of various sources of information, necessary to give the traditional and modern library services;
- To develop professional awareness.
Certificate/Diploma in Library Science (C/D.Lib. Sc.)
Many polytechnic colleges, schools and Library Associations impart the low level of library science courses in India having duration of six months to one year. The basic qualification for these courses is 10+2. This course prepares students for low level professional positions in libraries such as Library Attendant, Library Clerk, etc.
Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS)
This is a one-year post graduate degree course. The basic eligibility is a three years degree from any discipline. This course prepares students for junior professional positions.
Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
Master of Library and Information Science is imparted as a one-year post graduate degree course in some universities while in some, it is conducted as a two years integrated course. Many universities which offered one year BLISc and MLISc courses are now switching to two years integrated MLIS course in the line of other maters degree courses. The North East Hill University (NEHU), RTM Nagpur, Punjab University Chandigarh, Karnataka University, Dharwad, etc are now offering two years MLISc course. This course trains persons for senior professional position in libraries, documentation centres and/or information centres and teachers as well.
Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (ADIS)
The Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Bangalore (Karnataka) offers two years Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (Now know as Master of Science in Information Science). The National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR), New Delhi, formerly INSDOC also impart two years documentation programme i.e., Associateship in Documentation (AID) after graduation. The course offered by the DRTC and NISCAIR have upper age on the courses as offered by the universities departments in terms of ICT syllabus and intake of the enrolments.
Master of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
M.Phil. in Library and Information Science prepares a student for further advanced research in LIS. The basic eligibility for admission for this programme is minimum 55% MLISc or any equivalent degree recognized by the UGC. With candidates having more qualifications are being preferred for superior position, many students are opting for M.Phil. Courses to better equip them for better positions.
Doctor of Philosophy of Library and Information Science
This is an advanced level of research programme being offered after the completion of MLISc or M.Phil. Degree depending on the universities. The general aim of a research degree, whether M.Phil. or Ph.D. is to provide training in doing research as well as to develop in the candidate a critical and analytical process of thinking with the purpose that they would be able to provide leadership in the profession. They would also be able to help librarians and information scientists to develop techniques and skills required to meet their requirements of the fast changing society. They should be able to identify the needs, set objectives, identify and analyze the problems and find appropriate solutions. They would also be in a position to participate in the planning, organization and implementation of programmes at various levels.
Doctor of Philosophy of Library and Information Science
This is an advanced level of research programme being offered after the completion of MLISc or M.Phil. Degree depending on the universities. The general aim of a research degree, whether M.Phil. or Ph.D. is to provide training in doing research as well as to develop in the candidate a critical and analytical process of thinking with the purpose that they would be able to provide leadership in the profession. They would also be able to help librarians and information scientists to develop techniques and skills required to meet their requirements of the fast changing society. They should be able to identify the needs, set objectives, identify and analyze the problems and find appropriate solutions. They would also be in a position to participate in the planning, organization and implementation of programmes at various levels.
Role of University of Delhi in LIS Education
The Department of Library and information Science instituted in 1946 under the Faculty of Arts by the two eminent library science scholars namely Padamashree (late) Dr. S.R. Ranganathan (1892-1972), National Research Professor (1965-1972) in library science and the (late) Prof. S. Das Gupta (1912-1966) the first Delhi University Librarian and Professor Head Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi. The Department has credit to become the first LIS Department in country to impart quality LIS education & research through various levels i.e. BLISc (earlier known as D.Lib. Sc and B.Lib. Sc.), M.L.I.Sc (1956), M. Phil (1976), and Ph.D (1957). It was the first LIS School, which constituted at par with the other teaching departments in this University. The 1996-97 year was celebrated as ‘Golden Jubilee Year’ by organizing a national seminar on ‘National Seminar on the Need Based Innovative Programmme for Education and Training of LIS Personnel’ which was attended more than 160 participants of Delhi and adjoining states since than such activities are the common in the Department. The Department has also been recognized as an Associated Project of UNESCO. It is housed in the Tutorial Building, Second Floor, adjacent to the University Central Library. The root of the library and information science (LIS) research in India has been sprouted /offshoots from the country first LIS Department .The Department during the past 64 years of its existence has played a significant role in the LIS research and education in the country. Already about 3256 students have taken their Library Science degree from this Department. Out of whom about 2069 students obtained Postgraduate Diploma in Library Science/ Bachelor’s degree in Library Science; 1000 Master’s degree in Library Science / Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science; 90 M. Phil. Degree and 50 Ph.D degrees in Library and Information Science. Old students are occupying senior professional positions not only in India but also outside the country.
Outline the Courses and Programmes
The department has many credits in the context of LIS education and research in India. From the above section we can understand that it is the first Department of the country to initiate/start first formal education and research in LIS almost at all the levels in the country. To pace with the development and new trends, to meet the supply and demand of the LIS professionals the Department regularly revised and updated their syllabi. The first revision was took place in 1970 with the introduction of a paper namely computer application in libraries (for the first time in country) and many optional papers at Master’s level to accommodate the more specialized papers in the various sub-fields of LIS. The revised syllabi has a beautiful provision or flexibility to the faculty to include new emerged concepts in their concerned subject in order to make the syllabi more updated. The second revision was took place in 2004, after a long gap almost 32 years. The syllabi-2004 also incorporate all significant contents as proposed in the ‘UGC model curriculum, Library and Information Science’ recommended by the UGC for implementation in all LIS schools in India. Very recently the Department for the third time thoroughly re-revised and re-restructured the syllabi of BLIS and MLIS, which can be considered one of the best syllabi in the country. The brief outline of revised syllabi for BLIS and MLIS (2009) are as:
Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLIS)
Fist Semester
B -101 Library, Information and Society
B- 102 Library Classification (Theory)
B- 103 Library Classification (Practical)
B- 104 Basics of Information Technology in LIS (Theory)
B- 105 Basics of Information Technology in LIS (Practical)
B- 106 Project Work in LIS: (a) Literature Survey (b) Field Survey
Second Semester
Second Semester
B- 107 Management of Library and Information Centres
B- 108 Information Sources and Services
B- 109 Library Cataloguing (Theory)
B- 110 Library Cataloguing (Practical)
B- 111 Internship Programme (a) Report on Training Activities (b) Viva-Voce (Based on Internship Training)
Mater of Library & Information Science (MLIS)
First Semester
M - 101Information Systems and Programmes
M -102 Advanced Knowledge Organisations: Classification (Practical)
M -103 Advanced Knowledge Organisation: Cataloguing (Practical)
M -104 Information & Communication Technology Applications in LIS (Theory)
M -105 Research Methodology
M-106 Marketing of Library and Information Products and Services
Second Semester
Second Semester
M-107 Information & Communication Technology Applications in LIS (Practical)
M -108 Information Storage and Retrieval System
M -109 Information Literacy Applications in LIS
M-110. Elective Papers
M-110 (a) Public Library and Information System
M-110(b) Academic Library and Information System
M-110(b) Academic Library and Information System
M-110(c) Research and Technical Library and Information System
M-110(d) Health Science Library and Information System
M-110(e) Agricultural Sciences Library Information System
M-110(f) Engineering and Technological Library and Information System
M 111. Elective Interdisciplinary Papers
M-111 (a) Print and Electronic Sources and Literature in Humanities
M-111 (b) Print and Electronic Sources and Literature in Natural Sciences
M-111 (c) Print and Electronic Sources and Literature in Social Science
M-112 Project Work: (a) Project Report (b) Viva-Voce
Job Opportunities and Places
The position of libraries globally at par with the temples in the Hindu home families, means libraries are found almost in all institutions or organizations irrespective their nature and types. In modern times the libraries became the integral part of their originations or institutions. To run the temples and other ritual entities we need the priest or pujari similarly to run the libraries we need the library professionals to serve the various kinds of users. The organizations such as DRDO, CSIR, ISRO, NAL, HAL, ICAR, ICMR, BARC, AICTE, etc need the highly qualified LIS professionals to manage their information centers. Due the advent of ICT and its application in libraries new options and opportunities emerged. The library workers today’s known by the various designations form traditional such as (Librarian, Reference Librarian, Documentation Officer, and Information Officer) to Information Scientists, Technical Officer, Scientific Officer, Knowledge Manager, Resource Manager, Chief Knowledge Officer, etc. In nutshell, in the LIS profession there are abundant job opportunities.
Written By Dr. Kunwar P Singh
Sr. Asst. Prof. & Principal Investigator
Department of Library and Information Sceince,
University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007 (INDIA)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Librarian Vacancy, Lancers International School, Gurgaon
Job Profile--Librarian
Job Location-- Gurgaon
for job profile please visit the website.
Email cover letter, CV, image and with two references to
Mail to -- Lancers International School, DLF Phase V, Gurgaon 122002, Haryana, Phone-0124-4171900
Librarian Vacancy, Modern Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Alwar, Rajasthan
Job Location--Alwar, Rajasthan
Deadline--One Week from the date of publication ie 02 May, 2012
Salary-- Salary as per AICTE Norms. Salary no bar for experience Person
Send resume by emails within Week
Email. Your Resume at -- hrmitrec@gmail
Address--MITRC, An Engineering College, 6th Mile Stone, Tijara-Delhi Highway, Alwar, Rajasthan
Phone-- 0144-2731597,
Source/Courtesy--Times of India, Delhi Edition Ascent, 02 May 2012
Librarian Vacancy, Shriram Group of Colleges, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Job Location--Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Deadline/Apply-- Interested Candidates are requested to submit their application with latest C.V by
email or post within Two Weeks
E-mail ID -- and
Address--Shriram Group of Colleges, National Expressway (A.B. Road) Banmore-476444
Phone No. 07532-255024, 255024,
Fax No.--07532- 255893
Source/Courtesy-- Times of India, Times Ascent, 02 May 2012, New Delhi Edition.
Librarian Vacancy, G.D. Goenka Public School, Greater Noida ( N.C.R.- Region )
Source- Times of India, 02 May 2012
Apply with covering letter and photo to the Principal on Email Id- or through courier within 7 days.
Location_- Greater Nodia
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A scholarly profession with promise
The coming together of books and information technology requires today’s librarians to be interested in both |
Financial woes: Among Indian libraries, the digital movement is lagging far behind.
In the era of the global economy, the future of a country is tied to knowledge-leveraged growth. The prime movers to achieve such growth are education, research, and communication. A formidable infrastructure in education, reinforced by well-knit communication and dissemination systems is a sine qua non for knowledge-based growth.
Life and living all around is today virtually under the grip of information and communication technologies. The enormous, unlimited array of information has to be managed and systematically transformed into a useful input for instant use. As such, automation of libraries is the demand of the hour worldwide to provide online access to books, journals and allied material.
The work-culture in libraries is changing fast. Cyber libraries are opening, packed with digital documents, CD-Roms and talking books. Several libraries are being connected for resource sharing using the Internet. Information like research findings, data, databases, online yellow pages, electronic mail services, investment guides, travel guidelines with related maps, educational and career guidance and the like can easily be retrieved.
As publishing is now moving to digital-media-formats, a library likewise needs to advance its devices and networking to make use of the digital material. Here, the collection of the library is stored and maintained in computer-accessible-form and accessed digitally through computer networking, regardless of its location. The process makes well-ordered, instant information-retrieval possible, globally.
People are getting net-savvy and the demand for online digital information service is increasing manifold. Among Indian libraries, the digital movement is lagging far behind, primarily due to financial limitations.
The old systems of acquisition, storage, organisation and dissemination are becoming obsolete. With the onslaught of Information Technology and the Internet, the very anatomy and application of resource material have been revolutionised. The present-day library is a liaison in communication progression and so is more ‘service-adept’ and less ‘resource-oriented’.
Likewise, staff members have to be technically accomplished and skilfully proficient. Today, the librarian (or, Information Professional) functions as a “navigator”, an updater of information to intellectual reserves, with the help of search engines, e-resources, digitalisation and tools like Gopher, FTP, Telnet, Unix, MS-Office, Windows, Linux and so on.
Emerging challenges
The library profession has truly perceived the diversified dynamics of its job paradigms and so the training courses have been designed and drawn up accordingly, to meet emerging requirements and challenges. Currently, the following courses in LI. Sc are conducted by universities.
• 10+2+3+1 Bachelor of Library and B.LI.Sc. Information Science (admission requirement: degree in any discipline)
• 10+2+3+1+1 Master of Library and M.LI.Sc. Information Science (truncated course, one-year M.LI.Sc.) (admission requirement - B.L.I.Sc.)
• 10+2+3+2 Master of Library and M.L.I.Sc. Information Science (integrated course) (admission requirement: degree in any discipline)
• 10+2+3+2 Master of Library and M.L.I.Sc Information Science (bachelor’s degree in any discipline with Library and Information Science as one of the optional subjects)
Universities are also conducting research and Ph.D programmes in Library and Information Science. Besides, certificate courses in Library Science of three to six-month duration are conducted at some places by Library Associations, for higher secondary students to work as semi-professional or librarian in a small library. Knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage in this profession.
A knowledgeable librarian works as a guide, making the reader aware of the relevant literature, like any other teacher. In academic libraries, library professional’s grades and status have therefore, been prescribed by the UGC on a par with those of teachers of the universities and colleges. University Librarian, Deputy Librarian and Assistant Librarian are placed in the pay-scales of University Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor respectively, provided they possess qualification on a par with the teachers, as prescribed by the UGC. In the institutions of science and technology and scientific research, library professionals are treated on a par with those of the corresponding scientists. In public libraries, however, librarians’ grades are not uniform and satisfactory. Grades here differ from State to State and much needs to be done to improve the conditions of the staff.
With increased emphasis on spread of literacy and education, and a good number of new universities, IITs, engineering colleges, business and management schools and industrial establishments coming up, the job-market for library professionals looks green.
Regarded as a noble profession, it is well-suited to women, to work in a quite environment, assisting information-seekers, especially the children.
The librarian’s job is scholarly; it’s a career with promise of growth, meant for those interested in books and reading and keeping their knowledge abreast with contemporary literature and research.
The new Information professionals are here
Librarianship is a scholarly profession with promise
HI-TECH LIBRARY: An automatic book issue machine
In the present global economy, the future of a country is tied up with knowledge-leveraged growth. The prime movers to achieve such growth are (i) education, (ii) research, and (iii) communication. A formidable infrastructure in education, reinforced with well-knit communication and dissemination work-out, is sine qua non for knowledge-based growth. Life and living all around today is virtually under the grip of information and communication. The unlimited information flow has to be managed and systematically transformed into a useful input. As such, automation of library is the need of the hour worldwide for online access to books, journals and allied material.
The work culture in libraries is changing fast. Cyber libraries are happening; packed with digital documents, CDs and books. Newspapers, journals, textbooks and reference books, all will be on CD-ROMs and digital multimedia. Publishers like Penguin have started issuing classics on CD. Great books of India and are made available on internet. Libraries will soon possess even robots (with artificial intelligence) and other such machines which will perform various services for the readers. Paper-library and paperless-library will co-exist. Low-cost, light-weight electronic book-readers, with built-in modem, will be used more conveniently, instead of PC.
Several libraries are being connected for resource sharing. Information like research findings; data; databases; online yellow pages; electronic mail services; investment guides; travel guidelines with related maps; educational and career guidance and the like can easily be retrieved. As publishing is now moving on to digital-media formats, library likewise needs to advance its devices and networking to make use of the digital materials. The collection is stored and maintained in computer-accessible form and accessed digitally through computer networking, regardless of the location of libraries. The process makes well-ordered, instant information-retrieval possible, globally. People are getting net-savvy and so is the demand for online digital information service increasing manifold swiftly.
For Indian libraries, digital movement is lagging far behind, primarily due to financial limitation and compulsion. The old systems of acquisition, storage, organisation and dissemination are giving way and becoming obsolete. The present library is is more ‘service-adept' and less ‘resource-oriented.' Likewise, the staff has to be technically accomplished. Today, a Librarian (no, Information Professional) functions as “navigator” and filler of information to intellectual reserves, with the help of search engines, e-resources, digitalisation and tools like Gopher, FTP, Telnet, Unix, MS-Office, Windows, Linux etc.
Jobs Jobs in library consists of also budgeting, accounting, acquisition of collection, organisation and management of the institution, besides rendering service to readers. In the areas of self-education, distant learning and online schooling, the library is indispensable. The training courses in the profession have been designed to meet emerging requirements and challenges. Currently, following levels of education and courses in LISc are held by the universities:
Bachelor of Library and B.LI.Sc Information Science (admission requirement: degree in any discipline)
Master of Library and M.LI.Sc Information Science (truncated course-one year M.LI.Sc.) (admission requirement: B.L.I.Sc.)
Master of Library and M.L.I.Sc. Information Science (Integrated Course) (admission requirement: degree in any discipline).
Master of Library and M.L.I.Sc Information Science (Bachelor degree in any discipline with Library and Information Science as one of the optional subjects).
Certificate course in Library Science of three to six month duration is conducted at some places by Library Associations, for higher secondary students to work as librarian in a small library. Knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage in this profession.
A knowledgeable librarian works as a guide, making the reader aware of the relevant literature, like any other teacher. In academic libraries, library professional's grades and status have therefore, been prescribed by the UGC at par with those of teachers of the universities and colleges. University Librarian, D.y Librarian and Assistant Librarian are placed in the pay-scales of University Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor respectively, provided they possess qualification at par with those of the teachers, as prescribed by the UGC. In the institutions of science and technology and scientific research also, library professionals are treated at par with those of the corresponding scientists. Job satisfaction of librarians of these institutions of learning and research are quite satisfactory. In public libraries, however, librarians' grades are not uniform and satisfactory. Grades differ from State to state and much needs to be done to ameliorate the conditions of the staff of these libraries.
With increased emphasis on spread of literacy and education, and a good number of new Universities, IITs, engineering colleges, business and management schools and industrial establishments coming up, the job-market for library professionals looks good in the public and private sectors.
Regarded as a noble, soft profession, it is much suited to women, assisting the information-seekers, especially children. Women make good children librariana. Here, she is not only distributor of books but also an affectionate friend to children, a mentor and guide.
School of Management Science, Lucknow Campus
Campus 19, KM Stone, Lucknow Sultanpur Highway, Lucknow-227125 (UP) Website- email-
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Career in Library and Information Science
Dr Babita Jaiswal
Librarianship as a profession provides a variety of employment opportunities. Today there are a number of career prospects in Library and Information Science. The qualified professionals are employed in various libraries and information Centers. Trained library professionals can find opportunities for employment both as teacher and as a Librarian. In fact, it is possible to choose the kind of library to suit one’s interest and background. In Librarianship, designations could be Librarian, Documentation Officer, Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Scientist (Library Science/ Documentation), Library and Information Officer, Knowledge Manager/ Officer, Information Executive, Director/Head of Library Services, Information Officer, and Information Analyst.
- In School, College, Universities;
- In Central Government Libraries.
- In the training centers of banks.
- In National Museum and Archives;
- In NGOs working in different areas.
- In R&D Centre like ICAR, CSIR, DRDO, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR, ICFRE, etc.
- In Business Houses.
- In Foreign Embassies and High Commissions.
- In International Centers like WHO, UNESCO, UNO, World Bank etc.
- In the libraries of Ministries and other government departments.
- In National Level Documentation Centers.
- In Library Networks.
- In the newspaper libraries.
- In News Channels.
- In the Libraries of Radio Stations.
- In the Databases provider firms.
- In publishing companies for preparing Index, abstracts, bibliographies etc.
- In various digital library projects like ‘Digital Library of India’ etc.
- In Training Academies.
The role of libraries in providing widespread and inclusive access to knowledge is widely acknowledged. In today’s context, libraries have to play two distinct roles - to serve as a local centre of information and knowledge, and be a local gateway to national and global knowledge. Some of the issues under consideration of National Knowledge Commission are:
- institutional framework of libraries;
- networking;
- education, training and research;
- modernization and computerization of libraries;
- maintenance of private and personal collections and
- staff requirements to meet changing needs.
This commission has recommended the formation for the National Library Commission to strengthen the Library networks in India. The Department of Culture (DoC) has proposed setting up a National Mission for Libraries (NML) as a Central Sector Scheme. The NML will cover libraries under the DoC and the activities under it will include: National Census of Libraries; Modernisation including networking of Libraries under DoC; establishing Knowledge Centres and Digital Libraries. Recently under National Mission for Libraries there is a proposal for establishing 7000 libraries having computers with internet facility across the country.
It was recommended that the initial recruitment should be direct at the level of library and Information Assistant. The qualification requirement would be graduation and BLISc degree.
Thus, the scope of librarianship becomes brighter. Career in LIS is multidimensional, ever growing bright and significantly enriching the knowledge base of the society for prosperity and progress.
Courses in LIS
- Certificate course in Library and Information science (CLISc or CLIB) Eligibility 10+2
- Diploma course in Library and Information Science (DLISC or DLIB) Eligibility 10+2
- Bachelor in Library and information science (BLISC or B.LIB) Eligibility Graduate in any discipline from recognized University
- Master in Library and information Science (MLISC or M.LIB) Eligibility BLISc or B.LIB from recognized University
- M.Phil in Library and Information science Eligibility MLISC or M.LIB from recognized University
- Ph.D in library and Information Science Eligibility MLISC from recognized University
Course nomenclature and qualifying marks in different courses differ from university to university. Earlier the subject was called library science but now due to information explosion professionals handle information. So library science is changing into information science. A few universities have incorporated this word in the course name but not removed the word library. So some universities provide degree i.e. Bachelor in library and Information Science(BLISC), and Masters in Library and information Science (MLISC), M.Phil in Library and Information science and Ph.D in Library and Information Science and some provide degrees like Bachelor in library Science(B.LIB), and Master in Library Science (M.LIB), M.Phil in Library and Information science and Ph.D in Library Science)
The computer and information technology is now being widely used in libraries and information centers to process, store, retrieve and disseminate information. NISCAIR under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi conducts a two-year programme leading to the award of Associateship in Information Science (AIS) and the Documentations Research and Training Centre (DRTC) at the Indian Statistical Institute (Bangalore) offer Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (ADIS).This award is also recognised as equivalent to MLISc degree. These two courses enjoy a good reputation in the employment market. In view of the increasing use of computer and information technology in libraries, several universities in India also have started various courses focusing primarily on information technology and computer.
Universities offering courses in LIS
There are about 80 university departments offering the LIS courses. This course is also available through distance learning mode. Two Sanskrit universities, viz., KS Darbhanga Sanskrit University (Bihar), and Sampuranand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya (Varanasi) offer Pustakalaya Vigyan Shastri (9 months) and Granthalaya Vigyan Shastri (One year) courses respectively. Knowledge of Sanskrit language is an essential requirement. LIS are available in the following Universities/Institutes-
- Alagappa University, Karaikudi
- Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
- Allahabad University
- Annamalai University, Annamalainagar
- Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa
- Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow
- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
- Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
- Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra
- Dr. Harisingh Gour Viswavidyalaya, Sagar
- Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
- Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur
- Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
- Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar
- HNB Garhwal University Srinagar - Garhwal
- Jadavpur University, Calcutta
- Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
- Jiwaji University, Gwalior
- Karnatak University, Dharwad
- Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
- Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
- Nagpur University, Nagpur
- North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
- Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
- Panjab University, Chandigarh
- Patna University, Patna
- Punjabi University, Patiala
- Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
- Sambalpur University, Sambalpur
- SNDT Womens’ University, Mumbai
- University of Delhi, Delhi
- University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
- University of Jammu, Jammu (Tawi)
- University of Kashmir, Srinagar
- University of Lucknow, Lucknow
- University of Madras, Chennai
- University of Mysore, Mysore
- University of Pune, Pune
- University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
- Vikram University, Ujiain
- UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad (Distance Education)
- Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi (Distance Education)
Salaries in Library and Information profession
The salary varies depending upon the nature of the organizations. Many colleges and universities have adopted UGC scales of salary for the library staff. The library staff in the constituent units of large establishments of the Central Government, such as Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) enjoy salary scales similar to those applicable to scientific staff. Opportunities for upwards mobility based on assessment of performance at intervals, make the job attractive.
Persons possessing good academic record and adequate skills in computer and information technology, can look forward to a rewarding career in this profession.
(The Author is Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. email-
(The Author is Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. email-
Courtesy: Employment News
By Usha Albuquerque
n Public/government libraries
If you love browsing about in book stores looking for something interesting to read and your hobby is to curl up with a good book, library science is where you get paid to do just that. Books are available in all shapes and sizes, periodicals, newspapers, and so on have filled shelf upon shelf of libraries across the world. But the traditional concept of a library is being redefined, from a place to access paper records or books, to one which also houses the most advanced media, including CD-ROM, the Internet, virtual libraries, and remote access to a wide range of resources.
Library science is an information science, providing the means to manage the explosion in knowledge and information, utilising the new technology to collect, store, categorise, compile, and make information available to larger and larger numbers of people.
Librarians select materials, organise those materials and help people use them effectively. Although librarians traditionally worked with printed resources, they have kept up with ever-evolving technology and now work with electronic resources that include the Internet, computerised databases and ebooks. Librarians are, therefore, also referred to as information professionals, and the field of work is library and information science.
There are different kinds of libraries depending upon the individuals to which these are catering to. Various kinds of libraries are public, reference, children's libraries and those attached to offices and institutions of both private and public sector organisations. These could include a mobile-lending library. There are also specialist libraries attached to the research and academic institutions that cater to specific readers in specific subjects such as medicine, engineering, art, music, or types of books such as Braille or collections for children. Newspaper and news agencies maintain indexed records of their own work and reference material. Foreign missions in different cities set up information centres to promote an understanding of their country's culture.
Work profile
The most important function of a library is to organise, acquire and disseminate information. Some tasks of librarians are to:
n select and purchase materials from publishers, wholesalers and distributors, classify them according to subject matter
n organise and arrange books, pamphlets, manuscripts, and other materials in a way that users can easily find them.
n show users how to efficiently search for information on the Internet and in other online resources;
n supervise assistants who prepare cards, computer records, or other access tools that direct users to resources;
n read book reviews and publishing catalogues to stay updated about recent literature and academic resources.
n keep a constant track of all the books in the library, update catalogues, and stock the library with new books as soon as they arrive.
n In technical libraries, librarians may be required to determine the user's needs, and search, acquire, if necessary and prepare materials for use.
n coordinate programmes such as story-telling for children, and literacy skills and book talks for adults;
n preserve documents through computerised systems, enhancing and refreshing content, and making it available on-line and digitally.
Librarians in administrative services oversee the management and planning of libraries, they negotiate contracts for services, materials, and equipment, supervise library employees, perform public-relations and fund-raising duties, prepare budgets, and direct activities to ensure that everything functions properly.
You can take up a course in library science after study in any field of discipline. Some courses in Library and Information Science include:
n Certificate course in Library and Information science (CLISc or CLIB) 3-6 months.
Eligibility: Plus II.
n Diploma course in Library and Information Science (DLISC or DLIB) 1-year. Eligibility: Plus II.
n Bachelor in Library and information science (BLISC or B.LIB) 1-year.
Eligibility: Graduate in any discipline from recognised university
n Bachelor in Library and Information Science - 3-year.
Eligibility: Plus II.
n Master in Library and information Science (MLISC or M.LIB) 1-year.
Eligibility: BLISc or B.LIB from recognised university.
n M.Phil in Library and Information science.
Eligibility: MLISC or M.LIB from a recognised university
n Ph.D in library and Information Science.
Eligibility: MLISC from a recognised university
Most state universities offer courses in library science at the graduate, postgraduate, certificate and diploma levels. In view of the increasing use of computer and information technology in libraries, several universities in India have started various courses focusing primarily on information technology and computer.
NISCAIR under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, conducts a two-year programme leading to the award of Associateship in Information Science (AIS).
The Documentations Research and Training Centre (DRTC) at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore offers Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (ADIS).This award is also recognised as equivalent to MLISc degree, and is widely sought after in the employment market.
The National Informatics Centre funded by UGC offers a one-year training programme for library science graduates in technology and e-content management.
Depending on your level of training you can work as a Librarian, Documentation Officer, Scientist (Library Science/ Documentation), Library and Information Officer, Knowledge Manager, Information Analyst, and so on, with any category of libraries, including libraries of government organisations and agencies, public libraries, as well as with those in schools, colleges and academic institutions.
Librarians are also recruited for information brokerage services, archival work at universities, private collection, photo/film libraries, media organisations, and with software companies for research and content management.
Starting salaries in this field can range from Rs 10,000 - 40,000 depending on your qualification. Research and academic institution such as the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and others offer good opportunities for trained professionals, with salary scales similar to those applicable to scientific staff.
Skill set
While a love for books is a pre-requisite in this career, you also need to be methodical and organised in your thinking, resourceful, perservering and computer literate. A curiosity and an interest in a wide variety of subjects are other useful personal qualities that can ensure your growth in this vast world of information.
n National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources (NISCAIR- formerly INSDOC), New Delhi
n Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
n Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (BLISc, MLISc, Ph.D)
n Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (BLISc , MLISc, Ph.D)
n Punjabi University, Patiala (DLSc, BLISc , MLISc, Ph.D)
n University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (BLISc and Documentation, MLISc and Documentation, Ph.D)
n Panjab University, Chandigarh
n University of Jammu, Jammu (BLISc, MLISc, Ph.D)
n Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
n Libraries of ministries and other government departments
n Universities and other academic institutions
n News agencies and organisations
n Private organisations and special libraries
n Publishing companies
n Foreign embassies and international organisations
n Photo/film/ video/ TV libraries
n Information centres/documentation centres
n Organisations with large information handling requirements
n Research organisations such as CSIR, DRDO, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR, ICAR
n Museums and galleries having reading rooms and research facilities
— The writer is a career expert
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