Last date. November 15, 2012
Information and Library Network Centre
An IUC of University Grants Commission
October 16, 2012
Advertisement for SOUL Coordinators at Regional Level
The Centre wishes to recruit SOUL Coordinators on each in the following regions to take up the challenging assignments of library automation through SOUL 2.0 software developed by INFLIBNET Centre. The incumbent is required to work at assigned regions. Initial period of appointment will be one year only which is extendable for the further period which carries consolidated/fixed remuneration. The eligibility conditions may be relaxed in exceptional cases at the discretion of the competent authority. The post may be offered depending upon suitability of candidate.
1. Eastern India - West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar
2. Western India 1 - Gujarat, Rajasthan
3. Western India 2 - Maharashtra, Goa
4. South India 1 - Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
5. South India 2 - Kerala, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu
6. North India 1 - Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and J&K
7. North India 2 - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Uttaranchal
8. North India 3 - Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
9. North Eastern State – All Seven States
Nature of Work
Promotional activities of SOUL software, canvassing for premium membership and provide after sale support i.e. coordination for installation of software, attending queries, onsite visits, trainings, demonstration and any other work assigned by the Centre.
Eligibility Criteria for SOUL Coordinators
Applicant should fulfill the following eligibility criteria to apply for the post SOUL regional coordinator
1. Who should apply?
Working Librarian/Dy. Librarian/ Asst. Librarian in the University/College/academic institutions should apply along with no objection certificate from the employer. Also existing coordinators and retired library professionals can also apply again.
2. Educational Qualification
Applicant should have minimum Masters Degree in Library and Information Science (M.L.I.Sc) with IT exposure and literacy in Computer.
3. Experience
Working professional with 5 years experience in Library Automation
4. Period of Contract
One year from the date of appointment as SOUL Coordinator
5. Remuneration
Rs. 9,000/- per month as honorarium and Rs. 1,000/- per month towards the incidental expenses (The remuneration for SOUL Coordinator and Technical Assistants are likely to be revised shortly)
6. Other Terms and Conditions
- The Coordinator will be authorized to appoint two qualified graduate each from Library Science and Computer Science on consolidated salary of Rs. 9,000/- per month respectively as Technical Assistant for period of 1 year.
- Travel expenses towards promoting, installation, training and maintenance of SOUL software in their assigned geographical area will be borne by Centre.
- TA/DA rules will be applicable as per rates of the INFLIBNET Centre’s rule.
- The Centre will pay a sum of Rs. 25,000/- as imprest money for meeting the TA of staff and other office expenses which will be reimbursed to the SOUL Coordinator by the Centre on production of bills/vouchers monthly.
- SOUL Coordinator as well as technical assistants will be given free training at INFLIBNET Centre. TA and local hospitality will be borne by the Centre.
- Regular progress reports should be submitted to review the performance of assigned work monthly.
- The SOUL Coordinator should promote minimum 50 installations per year in their given region.
- No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview at INFLIBNET centre, Ahmedabad.
7. Last date for submission of application
The duly filled in application along with required certificates should reach on or before 15 th November, 2012 to “The Administrative Officer (PA&F) INFLIBNET Centre, P.B. No. 4116, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380 009 (Gujarat)