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Showing posts with label Gujarat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gujarat. Show all posts
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Friday, June 6, 2014
3 Days training programme on Bibliometrics and Research Output Analysis during 30th July to 1st August 2014
Respected Members,
INFLIBNET is organizing three days training programme on Bibliometrics and Research Output Analysis during 30th July to 1stAugust 2014. The programme will give the participants sound overview of bibliometric methods, performance indicators and tools & techniques related to bibliometric analysis and mapping. It will provide awareness about the most commonly used data base, how to build -up relevant indicators and how to interpret the data. Special emphasis will be given to indicators used in research evaluation.
Resource Persons
The lecturers are prominent researchers, scientists/professors in the field of bibliometrics. They also have an extensive experience with the application of bibliometric analysis in a research evaluation.
The Training programme will be conducted at Information and Library Network Centre, An IUC of University Grants Commission, Infocity, Gandhinagar-382007, Gujarat, India
The registration fee is Rs. 3000.00 (Rupees three thousand five hundred only) per person without accommodation and Rs. 5,000.00 with accommodation (four days three nights).
Please visit following link for more information:
Registration form:
For participation and more information please do contact
With Regards,
Kruti J Trivedi
Scientist B (LS)
(An IUC of UGC)
Infocity, Gandhinagar - 382007
Phone: 079-23268241
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
Online applications are invited by Commissioner of Higher Education, Gandhinagar for filling 36 vacant posts of Librarian (Class-3), in Arts, Commerce and Science Government colleges of Gujarat state, for the fixed monthly salary of Rs. 10000/- for an initial period of first five years .
Government of Gujarat
Commissioner of Higher Education, Gandhinagar
Advertisement for the recruitment of Librarian (Class-3) in Government Arts, Commerce and Science Colleges
Online applications are invited by Commissioner of Higher Education, Gandhinagar for filling 36 vacant posts of Librarian (Class-3), in Arts, Commerce and Science Government colleges of Gujarat state, for the fixed monthly salary of Rs. 10000/- for an initial period of first five years .
The eligible candidates can submit their applications online on
from 20-01-2014 to 31-01-2014. Last date for submitting online application is 31-01-2014 till 19:59 Hours. Last date for submitting online application is 31-01-2014 till 19:59 Hours, while it can be confirmed till 01-02-2014, 19.59 hours.
The recruitment process will be carried out as per following notifications of the Education Department of Government of Gujarat:
1. Notification of Education Department, Government of Gujarat Dated: 01-11-2010.
2. Notification of Education Department, No: GCO/1512/63/KH Dated: 29-09-2012.
3. Notification of General Administrative Department, Government of Gujarat, No: KPA/102013/UO/27/G-4 Dated: 05-03-2013
4. Notification of Education Department, No: GCO/1512/63/KH Dated: 21-03-2013.
1. Educational Qualifications:
1.1 The candidate must possess Master's Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science or equivalent professional degree with at least 55 % of marks or its equivalent grade of 55 % marks in grading system.
Candidate must have qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) or other like State Level Eligibility test in the Library Science conducted for the purpose by the University Grants Commission or any other agency approved by the University Grants Commission.
Provided that candidates who are or have been awarded Ph. D degree in Library Science or Information Science or Documentation Science in accordance with provision of the University Grant Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for awards of Ph. D Degree), Regulations 2010 shall Government of Gujarat Commissioner of Higher Education, Gandhinagar Advertisement for the recruitment of Librarian (Class-3) in Government Arts, Commerce and Science Colleges be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility condition of National Eligibility Test or State Level Eligibility Test or State Eligibility Test for recruitment and appointment of the Librarian.
However the candidate have to produced relevant documents/ certificate declaring minimum standards and procedures of such degrees from the competent authority of respective university. Candidate from SC,ST and Differently- able categories of the Gujarat origin will be entitled to a maximum( 5% )relaxation at post graduate level (M.Lib)
without considering gracing marks.
1.2 Candidate must possess adequate knowledge on computerization of Library.
1.3 Candidate must possess consistently good academic record.
1.4 Candidate must possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati and/or Hindi Language.
2. Nationality: Candidate must be a citizen of India
3. Age limit: Candidate should not be more than the age of 30 years on the last date of
submitting an application for the Librarian (Class-3).
Age Relaxation: Age relaxations for candidates belonging to reserved category of
Gujarat Origin will be as per the existing norms of State Government:
3.1 Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / SEBC (Socially and Economically Backward Class) candidates - 5 Years
3.2 Women of general category - 5 years
3.3 Women of reserved category – 10 from reserved categories (This relaxation also includes the 05 years relaxation for women mentioned above)
3.4 A candidate with 40 % or more differently disable - 10 years
3.5 In any case, while considering the above age relaxation, the age of the candidate should not exceed for more than 45 years.
The upper age limit may be relaxed for in favour of a candidate who is already in the service of the Government of Gujarat in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Classifications and Recruitment (General) rules, 1967
- Application Registration
- Instruction (Gujarati)
- Instruction (English)
- Notification
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Monday, December 30, 2013
Vacancy of Library Assistant at Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Raksha Shakti University
New Mental Corner,
Ahmedabad(Guj.) INDIA.
Raksha Shakti University is established to foster education and research in Security Science and Management, especially internal security.
Applications are invited for the under mentioned Faculty Positions/Non Faculty Positions on permanent basis so as to reach the Registrar, Raksha Shakti University, New Mental Corner, Meghani Nagar Road, Ahmedabad-16 by 10.1.2014.
Library Assistant Rs. 5,200-20,200 GP Rs. 2,400/- 1 Post -Unreserved
Advertisement and application form along with Detailed Instructions for Candidates is available on Website: The candidates may download the application form from the website and submit, duly filled-in all respects, along with the Demand Draft of the required amount as mentioned in the detailed instructions in favour of the Registrar, Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad payable at Ahmedabad on or before 10.1.2014.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
List of short-listed candidates for the post of Scientist-B(LS) and List of short-listed candidates for the post of Scientific/Technical Assistant(Library Science)
List of short-listed candidates for the post of Scientist-B(LS). The written test / interviews are scheduled to be held on 17th January 2014 at 10.00 AM onwards. The written test will be conducted combinedly for open category as well as OBC(non-creamy layer) category and in the afternoon personal interviews will be conducted for the successful candidates in written test only and will continue on 18th January 2014. The TA will be paid to the candidates successful in written test and appearing for personal interview only. The candidates appearing for reserve post of OBC (non-creamy layer) category are required to produce caste certificate of current validity (based on last financial year income) in original mentioning OBC(non-creamy layer) for employment in Govt. all over the India.
List of the short-listed candidates [Open]||[OBC]

List of short-listed candidates for the post of Scientific/Technical Assistant(Library Science) . The written test / interviews are scheduled to be held on 10th January 2014 at 10.00 AM onwards at INFLIBNET Centre. The written test will be conducted and in the afternoon personal interviews will be conducted for the successful candidates in written test only and will continue on 11th January 2014. The TA will be paid to the candidates successful in written test and appearing for personal interview only.
[List of the short-listed candidates]

3 Days Advanced Training Programme on Shodhganga at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Guajrat
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
For other details, please Read the following Advt or Refer to Advt. published in Times of India on 11th December 2013 on Page No. 50
Thursday, December 5, 2013
VACANCY OF LIBRARIAN AND LIBRARY ASSISTANT AT The Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
The Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat
Opp. PRL, Between Girls Polytechnic and L.D.Engg.College,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 79 26302067
Fax No: 079 – 26302077
Post: Librarian
Salary : 40.000 Per month
Qualifications: Masters in any discipline
Contract for 11 months
Experience : 5 Years
Age Limit : 37 Years
Post: Library Assitant
Salary : 25.000 Per month
Qualifications: Masters in any discipline
Age: 32 years
Contract: 11 Month
Friday, November 29, 2013
Vacancy of Professional Assistant at DA-IICT's Resource Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Dear LIS Professionals
We shall be thankful if you could kindly bring the following announcement to the notice of the LIS professionals who might be interested in applying for the vacant posts at DA-IICT's Resource Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
DA-IICT Gandhinagar invites applications for the post of Professional Assistant at its Resource Centre
Professional Assistant : Should possess a first-class Masters Degree in LIS from a recognised university with three to four years post qualification experience in a reputed academic library - well-versed with automated/digital LIS environment and hands-on experience in providing LIS services using modern technological tools. English Language proficiency and innovative track record are essential. Should be ready to work in shift-duties/rotating weekly-off.
Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.
For more details on job profile, educational qualifications, other requirements visit Application must be made in the prescribed format.
Last Date to apply Online : 10 December 2013
Applicants are requested to read the Announcement carefully and send their applications to designated email-id and not to any other ID. Applications sent in requisite format and to the desired email-id will only be considered, please note.
with best wishes
satish deshpande
Resource Centre
Gandhinagar 382 007
T: 079 - 30510625 / 550
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
WALK-IN INTERVIEW for Assistant Librarian at UNMICRC, Ahmedabad
U. N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology & Research Centre,
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Walk-in Interview for Assistant Librarian will be conducted on 25 November 2013 at 4.00 pm Place - 4th Floor, New Building, U.N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology & Research Centre, Ahmedabad.
Post: Assistant Librarian
Graduate in any discipline/preferably science discipline.
Master degree or degree in library science (M. Lib/B. Lib) from recognized university.
One year experience as assistant librarian in any cardiac hospital or reputed educational / research institute.
Fresh Candidates may be considered for appointment as Trainee Assistant Librarian. During training for 06 months, they will be given Rs.12,000/-. On completion of successful training, may be considered
for appointment as Assistant Librarian
Pay :
Consolidated –15000/- per month.
10 % yearly increment on consolidated pay (gross).
Other benefits, Leave, PF, Gratuity, Group Health Insurance will be as per rules of the Institute.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Librarian Vacancy @ The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute in Ahmedabad
Pay: As per rules of Institute (Pay scale)
At least second class Master’s degree in Science (Preferably in biological sciences) of a recognized University or equivalent.
• Degree or equivalent in Library Science of a recognized institute or university.
Desirable :
• Master degree in Library Science
• Training in Medical Librarianship
• Experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity
• Good knowledge of English Language
Experience : 5 year’s Experience in supervisory capacity in a Library of reputed Institute.
Age : Not more than 35 years
How to apply:
Interested candidates may apply within 7 days with detail Bio-data, self
attested photocopies of qualifications & experience certificates,
one passport size photograph. The Director, The Gujarat Cancer &
Research Institute, Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad-380 016.
For more details:
Last Apply Date:
22 Nov 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Vacancy of Librarian in the Shree Somnath Sanskrit University at Gir Somnath (Gujarat)
Shree Somnath Sanskrit University
(Estd. By Government of Gujarat)
Rajendra Bhuvan Road, Veraval-362265
Dist. Gir Somnath (Gujarat)
Phone No.(02876)244532, Fax No.244417,
Website :
Post: Librarian
Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100/- + 6000 (GP)
1. Master’s Degree in the Library Science / Information Science / Documentation Science or an equivalent Professional degree with at least 55 % Marks ( or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization of library.
2. Aacharya / Master’s degree in Sanskrit or at least Sanskrit as one of the Subjects in Bachelor’s degree.
3. Three Years experience in an Higher Education Institution.
4. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET in Library Science.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in UGC Regulations in its sub –clauses (i) and (ii) to the Clause 4.4.1, candidates, who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standard and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in Universities/Colleges/Institutions
No. of Post: 01 (GEN)
All applications should sent to : The Registrar, Sri Somnath Sanskrit University, Rajendra Bhuvan Road, VERAVAL – 362265, Gir – Somnath Dist., Gujarat.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
VACANCY OF Librarian (University) and Junior Library Assistant at VEER NARMAD SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT

(Re-Accredited ‘B’ 2.82 CGPA by NAAC)
(Advt.No. : NT/01/2013)
In connection to the permission granted by Education Department, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar vide letter No. : DGY/1311/1576/Kh, dtd.01/01/2013 and dtd. 23/1/2013, applications are invited for the following various administrative positions of the University in prescribed form. Application form along with necessary information will be available on University website Application has to be submitted along with necessary certificates and D.D. of Rs.250/- towards application fee in favour of Registrar, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat which must reach the undersigned on or before dtd.11/03/2013. The S.C. and S.T. category candidates need not to pay application fee.
No. : 1
Name of the Post : Librarian (University)
Pay Scale (Rs.) : 15600-39100+6600–Grade Pay
Number of Post : 01
Category : OPEN
No. : 5
Name of the Post : Junior Library Assistant
Pay Scale (Rs.) : Fix Salary of Rs.5,300/- per month for first five years
Number of Post : 01
Category : OPEN
Note :
(1) For application has to be submitted in eight set along with necessary documents (One Original set + Seven Photocopies).
(2) For to (5) Pay scale and terms & conditions as per State Government norms.
(3) For to (5), recruitment shall be as per final order of S.L.P. No.14124-14125/2012 of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
(4) Relaxation for female / Physically Handicap / reserve category candidates as per norms.
No.: Gen/Estt/1652/2013 (J. R. Mehta)
Surat, Date : 11/02/2013 REGISTRAR
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
The Gujarat Technological University was established vide Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007. The main objective of the University apart from other is to develop the knowledge of science, engineering, technology, management and environment for the advancement of quality of life of the mankind in general and in relation to the domain of engineering and technological development and applications.
The University invites online application for the various posts in online prescribed format. We are looking for dedicated and committed person, who believe in institution building and have a passion for dedication towards administrative excellence and quality.
The No. of Posts, Essential Qualifications/Experience/Pay/General conditions, application format and other details/instructions are given below:
Name of the Post: Librarian
Pay Bands + Grade Pay : 15600 – 39100 + 6600
Minimum Qualification:
A Master’s Degree in Library Science / Information Science /Documentation with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record from recognized University.
(i) At least thirteen years as a Deputy Librarian in a University library or Eighteen year’s experience as a College Librarian.
(ii) Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work.
(iii) A satisfactory score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator System developed by U.G.C.
A. M.Phil / Ph.D. Degree in library science/ informationScience /documentation /achieves and manuscript-keeping from recognized University.
Age: Not more than 50 years.
Candidates interested may apply online and send the print-out of online application along with all the requisite documents and fees Rs. 250 (if applicable), by Challan of State Bank of India, which may be downloaded from the website to The Registrar, Gujarat Technological University, University Campus, Nr.Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Visat Three Roads, Sabarmati - Koba Highway Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424 -
Gujarat, with the post applied for clearly superscribed on the envelope by Registered Post/Speed Post or By Hand. Last date for receiving the applications is 11/03/2013.
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