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Showing posts with label HYDERABAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HYDERABAD. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Project Assistant Vacancy at IIT-Hyderabad, Telangana
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad announced 02 positions for ‘Project Assistants’ to work in
IIT-H Library <>.
Name of the post: Project Assistant (Contract Basis)
Number of Post: Two
Qualification: Master Degree in Library & Information Science
Salary: 13500-17100.
For more details kindly browse the link
< >
IIT-H Library <>.
Name of the post: Project Assistant (Contract Basis)
Number of Post: Two
Qualification: Master Degree in Library & Information Science
Salary: 13500-17100.
For more details kindly browse the link
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Job Opportunities with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Information Resource Centres (IRCs) at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an IT services, business solutions and consulting organization that delivers real results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. A part of the Tata Group, India's largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has total employee strength of over 300000 with the world's best trained IT consultants, in 46 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $ 13.44 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014.
TCS takes pride in having a unique corporate Information Resource Centre model in place. Its large network of Information Resource Centre (IRC) in India spread across 13 cities. Winner of the Special Library Association (SLA) Centre of Excellence Award, 2009, for its high quality processes and benchmarks, and an exemplary application of management techniques and tools, TCS IRC consistently aligns its services to TCS’s global business needs and helps associates maintain a competitive advantage.
To support its fast expanding information services network, TCS invites applications from talented, enthusiastic team players for the post of “IRC Officers” at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune. These are regular positions and selected candidates should be prepared to work in those cities on a long-term basis. Remuneration and benefits will be at par with the best in the industry.
Eligibility and Requirements:
• Regular & full time M.L.I.S./MSLIS/Masters in (Library Science/Information Science/ Information Management)/A.D.I.S/any equivalent degree. (Those who are currently pursuing these programs and appearing for final semester/exams are also eligible to apply).
• 0–3 years of experience preferably in academic/special/corporate library. (Experience acquired after the professional qualification will only be considered).
• Age not exceeding 28 years.
• Willingness to work in any centre within the city with flexible timings.
• Ability to work both independently and in a team to deliver results in a constantly changing environment.
• A team player with good communication skills, customer service skills.
Selection Process:
Resumes completed in all aspects in the prescribed format only will be considered for further review. Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for a Written Test on Monday, 04th August 2014 at the city applied for, followed by personal interviews
Click on the below link to download the Application Form.
Application Formalities:
Resumes in the prescribed format should be e-mailed on or before Friday 25th July 2014 to respective IDs based on the location applied. Note that the candidates can apply for a single location only.
Location Applied for Resume to be e-mailed to
· Applications with insufficient information, not submitted in the prescribed format and those received after 25th July 2014 will be rejected.
· The subject line of the e-mail should include “City Name - IRC Recruitment 2014- full name of the applicant” (e.g. Bangalore – IRC Recruitment 2014- Asha Sharma).
· No other documents / certificates are required at this stage.
No travel / daily allowances will be given to candidates attending the written test / interview(s).
Regards & best wishes,
B P Prakash
Senior General Manager & Global Head- IRC
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Monday, February 24, 2014
National Institute of Fashion Technology advertised positions for Research Asst Resource Centre /Library for its Centres Kannur, Rae Bareli, jodhpur, Mumbai ,Hyderabad
Dear ALL
Institute of Fashion Technology advertised positions for Research Asst
Resource Centre /Library for its Centres Kannur, Rae Bareli,
jodhpur, Mumbai ,Hyderabad etc pl refer the link below :
/Experience : Degree in Library Sc. Certificate / Sp. Course in
Computer Applications in library information sc. Two year relevant
Experience in Library and Information Sc. Desirable - Basic
Understanding of Textiles and Life Style Accessories. Age 25- 35 years
Dr Sanjeev kumar
Friday, February 21, 2014
Librarian vacancy in IIT Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Ordnance Factory Estate
Yeddumailaram 502205
Advertisement No.IITH/2013/Rec/NF/4.
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Indian Nationals for the following posts on regular basis:
Post No.01 – Librarian:
Pay Band and Grade Pay : PB 4 – Rs.10000
Number of vacancies : 01UR
Qualifications, experience, knowledge, etc
Essential: a) Master degree in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation with minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade and a consistently good academic record, b) One year specialization in an area of information technology/archives and manuscript keeping, c) Master’s degree in an area of thrust in the Institution, and d) at least ten years’ experience as a Deputy Librarian in an Institute Library OR 15 years’ experience as College Librarian.
Desirable: a) M Phil/Ph D in Library Science/Information of Science/Documentation/ Archives and manuscript keeping, and b) Evidence of innovative Library science and Organization of published work.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
VACANCY OF LIBRARIAN AT Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Ordnance Factory Estate
Yeddumailaram 502205
Advertisement No.IITH/2013/Rec/NF/4.
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Indian Nationals for the following posts on regular basis:
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad has invited applications for vacancies of 82 non-teaching posts. The available fields include librarian, sports offices, medical officer, registrar, junior engineer and junior accountant. The application is to be completed offline and last day for application is March 14, 2014.
1. Librarian: 1 Post (UR)
Essential: a) Master degree in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation with
minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade and a consistently good academic record, b) One year specialization in an area of information technology/archives and manuscript keeping, c) Master’s degree in an area of thrust in the Institution, and d) at least ten years’ experience as a Deputy Librarian in an Institute Library OR 15 years’ experience as College Librarian.
minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade and a consistently good academic record, b) One year specialization in an area of information technology/archives and manuscript keeping, c) Master’s degree in an area of thrust in the Institution, and d) at least ten years’ experience as a Deputy Librarian in an Institute Library OR 15 years’ experience as College Librarian.
a) M Phil/Ph D in Library Science/Information of Science/Documentation/ Archives
and manuscript keeping, and b) Evidence of innovative Library science and Organization of published work.
and manuscript keeping, and b) Evidence of innovative Library science and Organization of published work.
The address for forwarding the application is:
The Registrar
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Ordnance Factory Estate
Medak District
Andhra Pradesh.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
IIT Hyderabad invites applications for the following posts
Job Location: Medak, Andhra Pradesh
Last Date: March 14, 2014
Librarian - 01
Technical Officer - 01
Technical Superintendent - 21
Network/System Administrator - 02
Sports Officer - 04
Medical Officer - 01
Psychological Counsellor - 02
Chief Security Officer - 01
Deputy Registrar - 04
Assistant Registrar - 09
Executive Assistant - 03
Junior Engineer (Civil) - 03
Junior Engineer (Electrical) - 03
Junior Technician - 09
Junior Accountant - 05
Junior Assistant - 07
Junior Attendant - 05
Applications should be sent to Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT Hyderabad) office.
Send your fully filled applications to The Registrar Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Ordnance Factory Estate Yeddumailaram 502205 Medak District A.P.
For More See Employment News 18-24 Jan 2014, Page No.64
Job Location: Medak, Andhra Pradesh
Last Date: March 14, 2014
Librarian - 01
Technical Officer - 01
Technical Superintendent - 21
Network/System Administrator - 02
Sports Officer - 04
Medical Officer - 01
Psychological Counsellor - 02
Chief Security Officer - 01
Deputy Registrar - 04
Assistant Registrar - 09
Executive Assistant - 03
Junior Engineer (Civil) - 03
Junior Engineer (Electrical) - 03
Junior Technician - 09
Junior Accountant - 05
Junior Assistant - 07
Junior Attendant - 05
Applications should be sent to Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT Hyderabad) office.
Send your fully filled applications to The Registrar Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Ordnance Factory Estate Yeddumailaram 502205 Medak District A.P.
For More See Employment News 18-24 Jan 2014, Page No.64
Friday, November 29, 2013
(A Central University established by an Act of Parliament in 1998)
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032.
(Accredited “A” Grade by NAAC)
Information Booklet in respect of Non-Teaching posts notified vide Employment Notification No.30/2013, dated.12.11.2013.
The University invites applications for the following Non-Teaching posts for various Departments/ Offices:
Post: Library Assistant
(i) B.Lib Information Science.
(ii) Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing, speaking is essential.
(iii) Age Limit: Not above 30 years.
Desirable: Lower grade typing, Data Entry Operation or Experience of working Computerized
Pay Band and Grade Pay: Rs 5200-20200 + Rs.2000
No. of Posts: 01 UR
Post: Library Attendant
(i) SSC or equivalent.
(ii) Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing, speaking is preferable.
(iii) Age: 28 years.
Pay Band and Grade Pay: Rs 5200-20200 + Rs.1800
No. of Posts: 02 -UR, 01- OBC, 01-PWD
The filled –in application form along with copies of required documents viz. education & experience certificates, etc., together with registration fee as mentioned below through crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad on any Nationalized Bank Payable at Hyderabad should reach through Speed/ Registered Post to the Assistant Director, ER-II Section, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032 (A.P) on or before 16.12.2013.
for Details and Application Form: Click here
Friday, November 15, 2013
Library Assistant and Library Attendant Vacancy at Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Post: Library Assistant and Library Attendant
Last Date: 16-12-2013
Web site:
Source: Indian Express, 15 Nov 2013, Page No .9, New Delhi Edition
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Vacancy of Graduate Apprentices at National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad
ADVT. NO.NRSC.RMT.03/2013 November 11, 2013
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Graduate Apprentices Library Science.
No.of posts: 02
Essential Qualifications - Bachelor’s Degree + First Class Degree in Library Science/Library & Information Science.
Interested candidates may visit website for detailed information, guidelines and to apply. Applications will be receive on-line only. The on-line recruitment portal will be available from 11.11.2013 to 30.11.2013.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Project Assistant In IIT Hyderabad Library
Dear Professionals,
(a) Post - Project Assistant (for Library) 1 post
(b) Pay - Rs. 13,500 - Rs. 17,100/-
(c) Qualification - A Master’s degree in Library and Information Science plus a Certificate in word processing/ computer applications.
(d) Age: Maximum Age: As on date of Interview 28 Years
Desirable: One or two years working experience in reputed institute.
More details are here :
*Best Regards,*
*Mallikarjuna ,C *
*Assistant Librarian*
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Job Location: Hyderabad
Mail resume at :
Last Date: 06 Feb 2013
Published at Library Soup on 30 January 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
LRC Interns Positions at ISB
Number of vacancies – Multiple
Eligibility Criteria: Post Graduate in Library and Information Science.
Soft skills required:
Good Professional Knowledge
Good Academic Record
Good IT Skills
Good Communication Skills
Good Interpersonal Skills
Job Description:
The incumbent selected for LRC Interns position should be able to handle tasks involved in various sections, viz., Acquisition, Serial Control, Case Studies, Circulation and Electronic Information Services and should be able to handle the tasks independently.
1. Technical Processing
a. Accessioning
b. Classification
c. Cataloguing
d. Invoice and payment processing
2. Collection development
a. identifying the resources for LRC's collection
b. Resource procurement
3. Serial Control
a. Journal subscription
b. Invoice and payment processing
c. E-journals activation
4. Reference and Information Services
a. Answering to the reference queries received from user groups
b. Sourcing out content for various information products
5. Information products
a. Designing and deploying the various information products
The interns are expected to work in shift system on a rotation basis since our centre operates from 8am to 2am. However the working hours for Interns will be 9 hours per day, 5 days a week and two weekly offs will be given. They can avail a leave of 12 days during the period. They will be given a stipend ranging between Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 20,000 depending upon their experience.
Application Process:
Please email your resume to by January 20, 2013 with subject header LRC- Interns. Short listed candidates will be interviewed in person.
M. Jayalakshmi
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Vacancy of Deputy Librarian, Assistnt Librarian, Book bearers, Library attender at Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Santoshnagar
Deccan College of Medical Sciences
Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad-500058, Andhra Pradesh, India
Date: 26-12-2012
Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Santoshnagar, calls for walk-in interview from 27th December 2012 to 31st December 2012 for the following posts:
Post -Deputy librarian
Eligibility-BLiSc (or) Diploma in Library Science with 3 years experience (Knowledge of computers and library automation essential)
Post-Assistant librarian
Eligibility-Graduate (Certificate course in Library Science desirable; knowledge of computers desirable).
Book bearers
Eligibility-12th standard pass, minimum (Knowledge of computers desirable)
Library attender
Eligibility-8th standard pass, minimum (Ability to read and write in English essential)
Contact person: Mr. G. Vijay Kumar, Chief Librarian, DCMS. Mobile: +91-9885402796
*Resume / Bio-data can be sent by Email to
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Information Management Traineeship at The National Institute of Fashion Technology, Hyderabad
The National Institute of Fashion Technology, Govt.of India, looking for fresh MLISc Candidates for the Information Management Traineeship to give the opportunity to freshers to expose to the LIS activities in a fully automated environment. Thsoe candidates who are interested to apply, should be fluent in spoken and written English, sound LIS technical skill with computer Knowledge is minimum expectations.
The candidates selected will be paid a stipend of Rs 10000=00 per month for a period of one year.
On successful completion of the Traineeship, the Candidates will be awarded with NIFT Certificate which will be a stepping stone for those who aspire to be a successful Professionals in their Carrier.
Fresh Post Graduates, who attended the regular programme from the Indian Universities may submit their respective CV to the undersigned latest by? 26/11/2012.
Those Candidates who responded to the earlier advertisement posted on 31/07/2012 also require to re-submit their CV".
Head, Resource Centre,
National Institute of Fashion Technology,
Opp.Hi-Tech City,
Hyderabad-500 081
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