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Friday, January 3, 2014

Advantages of MPhil

Many of My Students, Juniors and Friends ask my "Why MPhil Now? Is it valid?"
Just read the following lines...

1. What is Validity of a degree? Yes, in terms of NET exemption it is not valid. but it is a still a good degree. Think about pre-2006 Mphil. Why they did MPhil? Then there was no NET exemption.
2. Mphil has additional marks in College Librarian/ Univ Asst Librarian Interview.
3. If you join College/University with Mphil+NET, you will get 2 additional increment.
4. If you complete MPhil during service, you will be offered, 1 additional increment.
5. Once You have done MPhil with course work, you need not to go for course work again during PhD.
6. Easier to get a seat in PhD later.Several Universities indirectly refuse admission in to Phd direcly, rather offering Integrated Phdwith first 2 years as MPhil . (JNU)
7. With MPhil you will be promoted to Senior Scale in 5 years. Advantage of 1 year.


Go for MPhil at least, if you could not get a seat in Phd.
I still regret for not doing MPhil during the priod 2007-08 when I was sitting idle for a PhD seat in GULIS.

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