MANLIBNET Best Librarian Award 2012 (Award Consists of Citation and a Cash Award of Rs. 10,000/-)
Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET)* invites nominations/applications for MANLIBNET Best Librarian Award for the year 2012 from MANLIBNET members in the country. Applicants are requested to send their detailed bio-data with details of achievements along with supporting documents. The contribution for the development of profession should specifically find a place in bio-data. MANLIBNET’s current office bearers, members of the Executive Council or MANLIBNET Advisory Board are not eligible for applying to this Award.
Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET) instituted the MANLIBNET Best Librarian Award in the year 1999. The Award which is supported by EBSCO consists of a Cash Award of Rs. 10,000/- and a Citation.
On the basis of the applications received, MANLIBNET Executive Council selects the candidate for this Award. However, the executive council of MANLIBNET reserves the right to select a person for this Award either from the applications received by it or nominate someone else other than those who might have applied for the Award. The Award would be presented during the inaugural function of the *International Conference on Creating Wisdom and Knowledge through Shared Learning: Roles of Librarians and Information Managers being held at Indian Institute of Management Indore during October 11-13, 2012.