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Friday, November 16, 2012

Vacancy of Chief Librarian at Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi

Chief Librarian
Job Description / Responsibilities:
The Chief Librarian shall perform the following duties under the direction and supervision of Director, PHFI:
·         Management and maintenance of technical information products
o    Develop and apply, in accordance with international publication practices, international cataloguing and indexing standards cataloguing and classification of all books and reports in KOHA and follow bibliographic standards and related IT standards and practices for full-text and worldwide access to the institutional and collective memory of the organization.
o    Create, maintain and update metadata in every type and format of PHFI and IIPH information products (word, pdf, audio, video, photos) into Institutional Repository in Dspace.
o    Maintain the library collection by identification, acquisition and withdrawal of materials in accordance with collection and retention policies and procedures.
o    Assign unique numbers for technical publications in collaboration with technical units at IIPHs Offices.
o    Coordinate, prepare, and apply the Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) data to all new PHFI/IIPH technical publications following international bibliographic standards.
o    Subject analysis of all PHFI information products and assign Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to each product in metadata of Repositories.

·         Information and library services
o    Carry out literature search and retrieval of information relevant to user request by analyzing their needs, utilizing the collections and selecting and managing internal and external database services, and other available sources/systems and knowledge of the Organization to provide the needed research service and to compile specialized search services and bibliographic collections for technical projects/programs.
o    Provide reference services by utilizing available information from internal and external resources in every type and format of information including full text, image, audio, video, and bibliographic data relevant to specific user requests.
o    Identify the citations of the document delivery requests not only from PHFI and IIPH but of other staff of sister concerns associated with PHFI  and monitor the turnaround time of the requests through efficient processing of Document Delivery Services (DDS)”.
o    Process "Current Awareness Services" and “Table of Contents Services” through electronic mail alert and maintain/update mailing list of the alert services such as NewsNIC.
o    Support technical units at Regional and Country Offices on reference verification using Vancouver style or Harvard Style as appropriate. Support in developing fund raising proposals for other projects and programmes.
o    Conduct periodically training to IIPHs staff and students on accessing resources of PHFI Libraries.
o    Conduct national and international workshops on technical Library 

Networking with Libraries.
o    Monitor and provide support and trouble-shooting to IIPHs and associated PHFI libraries  on all technical queries related to library services and information management
o    Monitor and ensure the up-to-date information of regional repositories such as Dspace.
o    Working with the IIPHs and other offices associated with PHFI and develop consensus on the libraries' institutional approaches and standards.  Screen all incoming correspondence, documents and reports, identify and highlight those important issues requiring urgent action/decision and submit to the Director, PHFI.  Draft correspondences on library matters as and when required. Act as backup for assistance in publication support.
o    Performing any other duties as may be assigned.

Desired profile of the candidate
·         Masters level education in Library/Information Science.
·         Training in digital institutional repository or library automation management system or editorial management system.
Specialization/ Certificate in health sciences librarianship.

Competencies required
·         Producing results
·         Fostering integration and teamwork
·         Communicating in Credible and Effective  Way
·         Moving forward in a changing environment
·         Ensuring the effective use of resources
Knowledge & Skills
·         Excellent communication, public relations and interpersonal skills.
·         Thorough Knowledge of WHO and/or the UN Library/information systems at global, regional and national levels; and the principles, techniques and practices of information management and sharing;
·         Ability to work independently, consulting as necessary with supervisors, collaborates with colleagues at all levels in headquarters, regional and country offices: knowledge in WHO procedures would be an advantage.
Experience (Essential)
·         At least 8-10 years of progressively responsible work in an established/official library, preferably a medical or scientific library with electronic information management and dissemination facilities of which at least two to three years in a similar capacity.
Location of posting: PHFI, New Delhi
Applications, along with cover letter and detailed CV, may be sent to: by highlighting the Position Code (PHFI/2012/84) and position name in the subject line.  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the interview.
Last Date of Receipt of Applications: 30th November 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

हिन्दी में ई-पुस्तकें

होमी भाभा विज्ञान शिक्षा केन्द्र में विज्ञान के विभिन्न विषयों को सरल तरीके समझाने के उद्देश्य से कई पुस्तकों को लिखा गया है तथा अनुवाद किया गया है। इन पुस्तकों को दो वर्गों में बांटा जा सकता है।
  1. लोकोपयोगी विज्ञान (Popular Science Books)
  2. पाठ्यक्रम-संबंधी  (Curricular books)
यहां सभी पुस्तकों को विवरण सहित सूचीबद्ध किया गया है। पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन होमी भाभा विज्ञान शिक्षा केन्द्र तथा अन्य प्रकाशकों द्वारा किया गया है। कुछ पुस्तकों को PDF रूप में वेब साइट पर उपलब्ध कराया गया है, जिन्हें आप "आन लाइन पुस्तकें" पृष्ठ पर जाकर पढ़ सकते हैं। पुस्तकें मँगवांने या अधिक जानकारी के लिये नीचे लिखे पते पर सम्पर्क करें ।
प्रकाशन एवं विक्री (Publication & Sale):-
होमी भाभा विज्ञान शिक्षा केंद्र
टाटा मूलभूत अनुसंधान केंद्र
वी. एन. पुरव मार्ग, मानखुर्द
मुम्बई 400 088
फोन: +91 022 25072114, 25580036, 25567711
फेक्स: +91 022 25566803

शिक्षा की बेहतरी का जरूरी माध्यम

प्रेमपाल शर्मा
खुशी की बात है कि मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के एक विशेषज्ञ समूह ने राष्ट्रीय पुस्तक प्रोत्साहन नीति के तहत देश भर में पुस्तकालयों का संजाल बढ़ाने का फैसला किया है.
पिछले पांच-सात सालों में शिक्षा में सुधार के दर्जनों सुझावों के बीच गांव-गांव में पुस्तकालय खोलने की बातें भी होती रही हैं लेकिन ऐसी योजनाएं अब तक कागजों से बाहर रूप नहीं ले पाई हैं. उम्मीद है कि अब जल्दी लेंगी. ऐसा नहीं कि शिक्षा और साक्षरता के संदर्भ में पुस्तकालयों के महत्व की बात पहली बार उठी हो. साठ के दशक में सिन्हा समिति ने गांव-गांव पुस्तकालय खोलने की बात कही थी. योजना आयोग ने भी 1964 में एक नीति के तहत सार्वजनिक पुस्तकालयों की वकालत की. इस मामले में बिल भी पास हुआ. हालांकि कुछ राज्यों ने अभी भी वह बिल पास नहीं किया है पर जहां यह लागू है, वहां भी कार्यान्वयन की गति निराशाजनक रही है.
प्रश्न नियम, कानून या बिल का इतना नहीं है जितना इसकी जरूरत के अहसास का है. सूचना क्रांति के बाद तो यह और भी जरूरी लगने लगा है. साक्षरता पिछले एक दशक में बढ़ी है लेकिन उसके स्तर को लेकर तरह-तरह की शंकाएं की जा रही हैं. ये शंकाएं निराधार भी नहीं हैं. जब पांचवी या आठवीं का बच्चा सही ढंग से अपना नाम न लिख सके, कुछ हल्के-फुल्के गणित के जोड़, घटा न कर सके तो साक्षरता के आंकड़े तो बेहतर हो सकते हैं लेकिन उसकी समझ को लेकर प्रश्न बने ही रहेंगें.
बहरहाल, पुस्तकालय आंदोलन साक्षरता और शिक्षा की बेहतरी में तो मदद करेगा ही, एक बेहतर नागरिक बनाने में भी इसकी भूमिका उतनी ही महत्वपूर्ण होगी. दूसरे राज्यों से सबक लिया जाए तो केरल इसका सबसे अच्छा उदाहरण है जहां लगभग हर गांव में पुस्तकालयों की श्रृंखला मौजूद है. इसका फायदा भी उस राज्य को पूरा मिला है.

लड़कियों की शिक्षा हो या साक्षरता अथवा लिंग अनुपात या ह्यूमेन डेवलेपमेंट इंडेक्स- सभी में केरल बाकी राज्यों से बेहतर है. क्या ऐसे राज्य की सफलता पूरे देश में नहीं दोहराई जा सकती? इसके मुकाबले उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार जैसे राज्यों की स्थिति उतनी ही खराब है. बल्कि लगता है कि पिछले दशकों में और भी खराब हुई है. कुछ समय पहले तक जिन स्कूल-कॉलेजों में नियमित तौर पर पुस्तकालय चलन में थे, आज वहां ये लगभग या तो हैं ही नहीं या बंद हो चुके हैं.
यहां कि तक महाविद्यालय विविद्यालयों में भी ऐसी गिरावट स्पष्ट है. देश में पिछले दिनों में इंजीनियरिंग या दूसरे व्यावसायिक कॉलेजों की बाढ़ तो आई है लेकिन पुस्तकालय उनके प्रबंधन की प्राथमिकता में नहीं हैं. कम से कम उत्तर भारत के शायद ही किसी नये कॉलेज में कोई समृद्ध पुस्तकालय चल रहा हो. जब डिग्री कॉलेजों और स्कूलों में ही पुस्तकालय नहीं हैं तो वहां पढ़ने वाले बच्चे पढ़ने की परंपरा कहां से सीखेंगे? उनके लिए शिक्षा का अर्थ लौट फिर कर कुछ कोर्स की किताबें, कुंजियां या उनके प्रश्न रटना भर रह गया है. सर्वे के अनुसार लगभग पचहत्तर प्रतिशत स्कूल और कॉलेज के विद्यार्थी कोर्स की किताबों के अलावा और कुछ नहीं पढ़ते. शिक्षा, शोध के गिरते स्तर के कारणों में एक बड़ा कारण यह पक्ष भी है.
भारत गरीब देश है जिसकी अधिसंख्य जनता बहुत कम सुविधाओं में गुजर-बसर करती है. यदि हर गांव में एक पुस्तकालय हो तो उन मजदूरों, किसानों के बच्चे भी उसका फायदा उठा सकते हैं जिनके अभिभावक न तो पढ़े-लिखे हैं और न ज्ञान के विभिन्न स्रेतों से परिचित हैं. पंचायती राज के माहौल में तो गांवों में बहुत आसानी से पंचायत भवन के एक हिस्से में पुस्तकालय की अनिवार्यता की जा सकती है.
ग्रामीण विकास की सैकड़ों परियोजनाओं के बीच इस पर बहुत ज्यादा खर्च भी नहीं आएगा. सामाजिक क्रांति के लिए पुस्तकालय सबसे बेहतर धर्मनिरपेक्ष स्थान साबित हो सकता है-धर्म, जाति किसी भी विचारधारा से ऊपर. क्या एक सच्चे लोकतंत्र की दिशा में बढ़ने के लिए हमें ऐसे नागरिकों की जरूरत नहीं, जहां पुस्तकों की रोशनी में बेहतर नागरिक बन कर निकलें? अंधविास, पाखंड, जाति-धर्म के खिलाफ लड़ाई में भी पुस्तकालय कारगर भूमिका निभा सकते हैं.
पुस्तकालयों की व्यावहारिक जरूरत पर भी एक नजर डाली जाए. सवाल है कि क्या उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार जैसे राज्यों के विद्यार्थी रहने या खाने-पीने की सुविधाओं के लिए ही महानगरों में आते हैं? बिल्कुल नहीं. वे इसलिए आते हैं क्योंकि दिल्ली, मुम्बई, कोलकाता जैसे महानगरों में पढ़ने-लिखने, पुस्तकालयों व विविद्यालयों की बेहतर सुविधाएं हैं. अस्सी के दशक में जब मेरी पीढ़ी दिल्ली पहुंची तो इन पुस्तकालयों की बदौलत ही रास्ते खुलते गये. दिल्ली पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी की शाखाएं दिल्ली के कोने-कोने में थीं.
अंग्रेजी, हिंदी के अखबारों समेत नई से नई किताबों से भरी हुई. पुराने प्रतिष्ठित पुस्तकालय हरदयाल लाइब्रेरी और तीन मूर्ति लाइब्रेरी तो थी ही, मंडी हाउस पर साहित्य अकादमी, आईसीसीआर लाइब्रेरी, आईटीओ पर मौलाना आजाद लाइब्रेरी समेत दिल्ली विविद्यालय और जवाहर लाल नेहरू विविद्यालय के पुस्तकालयों की बदौलत हिंदी भाषी राज्यों के युवक दिल्ली की तरफ खिंचते चले आए और आज भी यह क्रम जारी है. लेकिन क्या दिल्ली या किसी बड़े महानगर में पहुंचना ही एक रास्ता है? और क्या पूरा देश दिल्ली पहुंच सकता है?
सच यह है कि जिन पुस्तकों, ज्ञान सूचना के स्रेतों के लिए शहर भागना पड़ता है, यदि वे गांव में उपलब्ध हो जाएं तो सीमित संसाधनों के चलते कोई भी नौजवान अपने ही घर गांव में प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं से लेकर बेहतर शिक्षा अर्जित कर सकते हैं. इसीलिए जितनी जल्दी हो, सरकार को इस दिशा में आवश्यक कदम उठाने चाहिए और केवल सरकार ही नहीं, उन प्रबुद्ध बुद्धिजीवियों या समाज के उस पढ़े-लिखे हिस्से को भी सक्रिय रूप से आगे आना चाहिए जो चाहता है कि भविष्य के लोकतांत्रिक भारत में सभी की समान रूप से भागीदारी बढ़े.
पुस्तकालयों के नाम से ही कुछ लोग बहस को विपरीत दिशा में ले जाने की कोशिश करते हैं कि इंटरनेट, ई-मेल, टेलीविजन के इस युग में किताबें पढ़ता कौन है ? कितना भोला है यह तर्क? यदि किताबें इतनी अवांछनीय हो गई हैं तो इनसे पूछा जाना चाहिए कि वे अपने बच्चों को स्कूल क्यों भेज रहे हैं? क्यों अपने बच्चों को स्कूलों में किताबें पढ़ने दे रहे हैं? इंटरनेट और दूसरे संचार माध्यमों का पुस्तक से कोई विरोध नहीं है. शिक्षा की शुरुआत तो किसी न किसी किताब से ही करनी पड़ेगी और जब पुस्तकालय की बात की जाती है तो इसका उद्देश्य बहुत सहजता से उन लोगों के बीच पहुंचाने का है जो पीढ़ियों से निरक्षर बने हुए हैं. पुस्तकालय योजना तो उनको उस निरक्षरता के अंधेरे से बाहर लाने का सबसे सार्थक कदम है.
इन पुस्तकालयों में भविष्य में ऑडियो, वीडियो या कंप्यूटर की दूसरी सुविधाएं भी जरूरत के हिसाब से बढ़ाई जा सकती हैं. दुनिया के विकसित देश अमेरिका, यूरोप में भी सार्वजनिक पुस्तकालय अभी भी उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखते हैं. विकसित देशों में तो पुस्तकालयों की इतनी लम्बी फेहरिस्त है और इतनी सुविधाओं के साथ कि आप किसी भी पुस्तकालय से पुस्तक ले कर कहीं भी जमा करा सकते हैं. शोध और बैठने की तमाम सुविधाओं के साथ राज्य का काम ऐसी सुविधाओं को हर व्यक्ति तक पहुंचाना होता है.
क्या समझदार नागरिकों के बिना लोकतंत्र की कल्पना की जा सकती है? और इस दिशा में पुस्तकालय आंदोलन प्रभावी भूमिका निभा सकता है. पुस्तकालय आंदोलन विशेषकर हिंदी पट्टी में साहित्य, संस्कृति के प्रति जागरूकता भी पैदा कर सकता है. यदि किताबें सहज और सस्ती उपलब्ध हों तो धीरे-धीरे उन्हें पढ़ने की आदत भी पड़ेगी. इससे पुस्तक की बिक्री और प्रसार में भी शायद आसानी हो. अभी तो प्रकाशक सिर्फ पुस्तकालय संस्करण के भरोसे इतनी ऊंची कीमतें रखते हैं कि आम आदमी इन्हें खरीद ही नहीं पाता. नुकसान दोनों ही पक्षों का है. लेखक और पुस्तक का भी और उस ज्ञान से वंचित जनता का भी. भारत सरकार के नेशनल बुक ट्रस्ट, प्रकाशन विभाग जैसे संस्थान सस्ती पुस्तकें उपलब्ध कराते हैं. विभिन्न भाषाओं के दूसरे प्रकाशकों को भी इस आंदोलन में हाथ बढ़ाने की जरूरत है. शिक्षा के उदारीकरण के इस दौर में क्या कोई काम गरीबों के लिए भी क्रियान्वित होगा?
साभार: प्रेमपाल शर्मा एवं

बिहार के जेलों में खुलेंगे जिम, पुस्तकालय

पटना : बिहार सरकार ने देश में अपने तरह का अनूठा प्रयास करते हुए राज्य के सभी जेलों में कैदियों के शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को दुरुस्त रखने के लिए व्यायामशालाएं (जिम्नेजियम) और पुस्तकालय खोलने का निर्णय किया है।
पूरी खबर के लिए देखें:प्रदेश/बिहार-के-जेलों-में-खुलेंगे-जिम-पुस्तकालय/151478

Ten libraries and museums across the country are being honored at the White House

WASHINGTON — Ten libraries and museums across the country are being honored at the White House for contributions they have made to their communities.


Online craze deals bodyblow to library culture

PATNA: The old libraries of the state capital, like Sinha Library and Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, which once upon a time were among the pride of Patna, have been thumbed down by city youth. With the advent of e Notes, GradeSaver, Cliff Notes and Wikipedia, the cult of thronging libraries and browsing through piles of books has been shown back door by them, as now not books but Internet is considered the best friends by theseNet-savvy youngsters.
Empty reading rooms and dusty tables and chairs are a common sight in most of the city libraries. It is sad to note that world-renowned Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, which has stood tall against time and tide since 1891 and is known for its rare collection of Persian and Arabic manuscripts around the globe, now attracts only a handful of readers.

Online Apply for the post of Library and Information Centre Executive at IIM Kozhikode Satelllite Campus, Kochi

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode 
IIM Kozhikode Campus (PO), Kozhikode - 673 570, Kerala, India 
Phone: 0495-2809132  Fax: 0495-2803010-11 
Advt No.R-04/2012

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode invites online applications from 11.11.2012 to 24.11.2012 for the following positions to be filled on contract for its Satellite Campus, Kochi and will hold Walk-in-Interview between 26.11.2012 and 06.12.2012 at IIM Kozhikode Campus.

Post-Library & Information Centre Executive
No. of Post-One Post
Qualifications-M.LiSc with two years desirable post qualification experience in Library & Documentation  
B.LiSc with three years desirable post qualification experience in Library & Documentation.  
Selected Candidate has to provide support to Faculty on various aspects of Course handling, besides functioning as Information Centre Executive.
Monthly Remuneration-15000
Important Instructions
  • Application fee is Rs.100/- for each position and fee can be remitted either through online payment or drawn as demand draft from State Bank of India  in favour of ‘Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode’ payable at IIM Kozhikode Campus.  Demand Draft is to be drawn at the time of submission of online application. There is no application fee for SC/ST/Differently Abled.  Application fee once remitted will not be refunded.
  • Application is to be submitted  ONLINE from  11.11.2012  to  24.11.2012 (upto 23.59 hours). 
  • For calculation of age, 24.11.2012 ie. the last date of submission of online application will be taken into account

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Special Recruitment Drive for Backlog/Vacancies of SC/ST/OBC/PWD at Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
(Deemed to be University fully funded by UGC/Govt. of India)
Special Recruitment Drive for Backlog/Vacancies of SC/ST/OBC/PWD
Adv. No. GKV/Estt./01/2012
Applications in prescribed format are invited from suitable candidates for appointment to the following teaching and non-teaching posts, available from the office of Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand) on payment of Rs. 550/- (Rs. 150/-for SC/ST/PWD) in cash or through demand draft in favour of Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, payable at Haridwar. Application form can also be downloaded from the website The minimum eligibility/essential qualifications/pay bands & grade pay etc. are also available on this website.
Completely filled application in a sealed envelope superscribed with Adv. No. and the name of the post applied for should reach the office of the Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar 249404(Uttarakhand) by Speed Post/Registered/In person.
Last date for submitting the Application form: 10.12.2012

Non- Teaching Posts (Technical) (For male candidates only) :
(Sanctioned under OBC grant)
Library Assistant (Central library)-01
Name of Post

Library Assistant

Scale of Pay
Rs. 5200-20200 +GP 2000

Age Limit for direct recruits
35 years

Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits
B.Lib.Inf. Sc./B.Lib.Sc. or equivalent 
Lower Grade Typing, data entry operation or experience of working in a computerized library.

Library Attendant (Bot. & Micro. Dept.) -01(OBC).
Click here to download the advertisement in English
Click here for detailed description of posts / department / number of vacancies etc.
Click Here to download the application form for Non Teaching Posts
Click here to download qualification for Non-Teaching Staff

Call for Nominations: IFLA 2013 Honours and Awards

The IFLA Governing Board bestows Honours and Awards to recognise individuals contributing to IFLA and the international library and information services sector. All authorized representatives of Members and Personal Affiliates are eligible to make nominations.

DEADLINE: 1 March 2013
(late submissions shall not be considered)

Honorary Fellow

Honorary Fellow is IFLA's highest award, and is awarded on the basis of merit. It may not necessarily be awarded every year. A nomination for Honorary Fellow is required to be supported by at least threenominators who are current IFLA Members. Nominations must include evidence to support any claims against the criteria. A nomination must be accompanied by at least two written referee reports. Referees should not also be nominators, and at least one referee should be an IFLA Member. Referees should address the nominee's suitability for the award, in relation to the criteria and may provide further information relevant to the award if desired.
In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence and referee reports provided to it through the nomination. The evidence and referee reports you provide should be based on the following required criteria:
  1. Length of service to IFLA;
  2. Type(s) of service to IFLA;
  3. Outstanding achievements within that service to IFLA; and
  4. Service that has brought distinction to IFLA in the international arena.

IFLA Medal

IFLA Medal is conferred on a person who has made a distinguished contribution either to IFLA or to international librarianship. It is also anticipated that one medal would be awarded each year, to a nominee from the country hosting the IFLA WLIC.
A nomination for the IFLA Medal is required to have at least twonominators who are current IFLA Members. A nomination must include evidence to support any claims of the nominee's distinguished contribution either to IFLA or to international librarianship. Each nomination shall be accompanied by at least two written referee reports. Referees should not also be nominators, and at least one referee should be an IFLA Member.
In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence and referee reports provided to it through the nomination. The evidence and referee reports you provide should be based on the following required criteria:
  1. Length of service to IFLA or the profession;
  2. Nature of the contribution to IFLA or to international librarianship;
  3. Significance of that contribution to IFLA or to international librarianship.

IFLA Scroll of Appreciation

IFLA Scroll of Appreciation is awarded annually by the IFLA Governing Board to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) National Committee for that year.  Additionally, any Member may nominate an individual who has given distinguished service to IFLA. Staff, including core activities staff, is eligible for nomination.
In making its decision, the Executive Committee shall examine only the evidence provided to it through the nomination.
The evidence provided should be based on the following required criteria:
  1. Length of service to IFLA;
  2. Nature of the service to IFLA;
  3. Significance of that service to IFLA, and its impact on IFLA.
The Executive Committee of the Governing Board considers all nominations in committee and in confidence. The Executive Committee bases its decisions only on the evidence submitted with the nominations and any further evidence sought from the nominees or referees.
The Executive Committee and the Secretary General shall not enter into correspondence on individual nominations. Only successful nominations will be published.
Wherever possible honours and awards shall be announced and conferred at the annual WLIC.


  • Honorary Fellow [DOC] | [PDF]
  • IFLA Medal [DOC] | [PDF]
  • IFLA Scroll of Appreciation [DOC] | [PDF]
Nominations for awards to be conferred in 2013 are invited, in confidence, on this form which may be sent by e-mail as an attachment, by FAX, or post:

FAX: +31 70 3834827

P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague
The Netherlands

Vacancy of Consultant, Catalogue- In- Publication Project (CIPP) at Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation

Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation
Applications are invited from established library professionals from state and central government to the post of Consultant, Catalogue- In- Publication Project (CIPP) purely on contract basis. The work involves co- ordination with publishers of India, various Government agencies, Data collection agencies assigned by the project (RRRLF) throughout India, regular uploading of the CIP data after editing and administrative & other official correspondences.
Qualifications required: Graduate in any discipline with Post Graduate Degree/ Ph.D in Library and Information Science
1. Minimum ten years administrative experience in a Central or State Library or large library of repute in the Grade pay of Rs. 6600/- or Five years in Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/-.
2. Sufficient experience in handling Indian Language collection.
3. Minimum 10 years experience in classification (DDC) and cataloguing (AACR2) of Indian language materials.
4. Good Knowledge of creation of multilingual data in MARC 21
The post is on contractual basis with consolidated remuneration as per Govt. of India norms for consultants.
Application with details of qualification experience etc may be forwarded to the Director General, Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Block- DD- 34, Sector I, salt Lake, Kolkata- 700064 superscribing the name of the post on the envelope by 30th November, 2012. Application received after last date will not be considered. RRRLF reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason therefore.

Details at: 

Jawaharlal Nehru’s legacy crumbles, literally

Published: Wednesday, Nov 14, 2012, 6:00 IST 
By Kanchan Srivastava | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA
Had he been alive, Jawaharlal Nehru would have cringed at the sight of the pathetic condition of a library named after him at the Mumbai University. The Jawaharlal Nehru Library, a 30-year-old structure, is crumbling. The three-storey building in Kalina which houses more than seven lakh books has become so weak that a large portion of the ceiling slab on the second floor has fallen over the years, putting the lives of those visiting the library at risk.
“I want to study here, but I don’t want to lose my life,“ said a professor of a nearby college. The deplorable condition of the library has meant the place which was once a favourite among book lovers, especially students, sees very few people.

Tax collecting agencies owe Rs 7 cr cess to library department

MYSORE: Tax collecting agencies owe nearly Rs 7 cr to department of public libraries since several years.
Deputy Commissioner P S Vastrad on Tuesday disclosed that Mysore City Corporation owes Rs 5.22 cr, Mysore Urban Development Authority Rs 29 lakh and Gram Panchyaths Rs 1.14 cr to the department. Though these bodies have been collecting library cess from public they have not paid to the department which is affecting smooth functioning of libraries which have to procure newspapers, journals and books.
Vastrad, who is chairman to District Library Authority, told reporters that we will organize a campaign to collect the cess dues from the tax collecting authorities during National Library Week celebrations scheduled between November 14 and November 20.
Drive to collect 40000 books
On the occasion, the district library authority, an apex body of District central library and City central library will appeal its members to return books that they have borrowed from Mysore district and city libraries. Vastrad said nearly 40000 have not been returned by the members of 306 libraries including 25 in Mysore city, since five years. We have records of its borrowers and will get back the books to the libraries during the week long library week celebrations
The authority with an aim to increase reading habit among public will organize drive to increase library members especially in rural areas by way of organizing events and books exhibitions during the week. We have over 88000 members including 45000 in the city.
On the occasion, all libraries will be illuminated, the DC stated.
Library will come up at People's park
Deputy Commissioner P S Vastra said they will start modern library work, which was stalled following protest by a section of Mysoreans, at People's Park shortly.
In June this year, a bunch of students and citizens led by members of Mysore Grahakar Parishat, a body of citizens, opposed the move to construct the library block inside the park premises claiming it is against law governing parks and open spaces. Then the work was temporary stalled.
However, the DC has another version. He says the work was shelved as the soil was loose. We will start the work immediately on an area measures 1500 sq ft to establish a modern library. This is an old project. To a query, Vastrad said many libraries are inside parks. It is for public use and we will continue with our plans with this regard.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Defunct CCTV cameras aid book lifters at library

By Srinivas Reddy
HUBLI: A total of 16 CCTVs were installed at the Central Library in Lamington Road here in 2009. But within a year of installation, the cameras stopped working and have not been repaired ever since. 
This has led to the stealing of new books by some "readers" and has also become troublesome for girls who frequent the library. 
Despite repeated complaints to the department of public libraries, which is responsible for the maintenance of these cameras, no action has been taken to rectify the problem. Knowing well that the CCTV cameras are not functioning, some readers have started stealing books and creating trouble for other readers. In the absence of cameras, monitoring readers' activities and preserving the 18,000 odd books in the library has become a challenge for its staff.

A library in Dal Lake The only library in Dal maintained by a school dropout Book Lover MAJID MAQBOOL

In a modest cottage near gate number one in the interiors of Dal, a small wooden door opens into the only library in Dal Lake. Named ‘Travelers Library’ by its passionate 43-year-old owner, Muhammad Latif Oata, the library houses an eclectic collection of over 500 books in many languages, including Germen, French, Spanish and Hebrew . The personal collection of books would not have become a library had Latif, a third standard school dropout, not loved the idea of collecting and exchanging books in return for getting to know the stories.

Latif cannot read books but he loves them. He identifies his books by their colour and publisher’s mark. The books are placed alphabetically—from A to Z—on multiple shelves spread over a wall adorned with Allama Iqbal’s life size poster. There are separate, smaller shelves for books in French, German and other foreign languages.  Every book in his collection evokes memories of those who exchanged books with him. He gets up and carefully pulls out a special, original edition of Ian Fleming’s novel Goldfinger gifted by a foreign visitor. He has many original, old and rare editions of books in his collection.  On the desk lie five books in French language. Few days back a French visitor had come with his books for the library.

Read Full News at:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Professional Assistant Vacancy at J.N.U, New Delhi

10th November, 2012
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following non-teaching posts in the Jawaharlal Nehru University as per details given against each :
Post No.Name of PostGroup
Number  of Post
Age Limit
Pay Band & Grade Pay
1.Professional Assistant
(UR )
35 yearsPay Band-2
Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

Essential Qualifications:
  1. M.Lib. Sc./MLIS or equivalent with 50% marks. OR 
    Master's Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline with 50% and B.Lib.Sc./BLIS with 50% marks.
  2. Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate Course in Computer Application/ Science/Library Automation from a recognized institute with minimum of 6 months duration.
Desirable Qualifications:
  1. Atleast three years' working experience in a reputed library.
  2. Knowledge of Library Automation activities.
  3. Knowledge of any foreign language.
  4. Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate Course in Computer Application/Science/Library Automation from a recognized institute with minimum of 6 months duration.