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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kasturi Srinivasan Library celebrates valedictory of golden jubilee

Portrait unveiled: Tamil Nadu Governor seen at the golden jubilee celebration of The Kasturi Srinivasan Library in Chennai.
The HinduPortrait unveiled: Tamil Nadu Governor seen at the golden jubilee celebration of The Kasturi Srinivasan Library in Chennai.
The Kasturi Srinivasan Library organised the valedictory function of its Golden Jubilee celebrations on August 22 at Bharathiyar Illam, T.P. Koil Street, Triplicane. The Tamil Nadu Governor, Dr. K. Rosaiah, who was the chief guest for the function, unveiled the portrait of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, Father of Information Science. Keynote address was delivered by Prof. E. Balaguruswamy, Member, Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission. B.S. Raghavan, former Chief Secretary, Government of Tripura, was felicitated during the function.
Speaking at the function, Dr. Rosaiah said, “I am happy to learn that the Kasturi Srinivasan Library has more than 30,000 books and is a treasure trove for the visitors. I convey my warm felicitations to G. Nararyanasamy, president, office-bearers and members of the Triplicane Cultural Academy and to the management and members of the Kasturi Srinivasan Library.”

PU library to digitise PhD theses, insist on soft copy of new research

 By:-Snehil Sinha

Chandigarh The A C Joshi library in Panjab University is all set to digitise and convert all the PhD theses that it has stored in hard copy format. The new researches will also now be accepted only along with a soft copy of it. According to the library staff, a grant of Rs 25 lakhs from the PU funds was allocated, in principle, for this purpose, by the previous vice-chancellor, R C Sobti, before the completion of his term about three months ago.
The proposal is now awaiting final approval by the Finance Committee. The finance development officer is to decide upon a suitable date to call for a meeting and make final decisions on the sanctioning of the grant.
The A C Joshi library has a record of over ten thousand doctoral theses, in print format. The plan is to procure equipment and staff to convert these into digital soft copies. The librarian, Raj Kumar, said, “We will try to get the work outsourced once the grant is sanctioned, so that it gets done faster.”
Equipment will be procured to scan and convert the theses into pdf format and then a software will also be acquired for character recognition within the scanned files. This will be done so that keyword search in these files are possible.
According to the Dean University Instructions, Bhupinder Brar, “The process of digitisation is a step ahead towards using technology to prolong the lives of these researches. However, it can lead to an increase as well as decrease in plagiarism.”
He said that while it will become easier to copy and paste material, it will, at the same time, become easier to detect such an act.
In a similar manner, the process of saving digital copies of rare manuscripts and books had been initiated at PU about seven years back. A scanning camera was gifted to the library by an alumni in 2005. Since then, 744 manuscripts, out of a total of 1492, have been able to be scanned and saved electronically.
Raj Kumar said, “We don’t have much manpower and this work requires great precision. Many of these manuscripts are thousands of years old and one needs to be very careful with scanning each page at a time. It is a lengthy and cumbersome process which is why it is taking time. Besides only one person can do it as there is just one machine.”
A proposal of 1 crore, for the same purpose, was sent to the University Grants Commission (UGC) about a year ago.
However, when no response was received from there, the University decided to initiate the process itself, at a more modest level and the VC gave his nod to the 25 lakh project.
PU might also soon be a part of a UGC project, Shodhganga, a web portal of Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET), to make all its theses available online. However, this project is still in the pipeline and a panel meeting is to be held before a Memorandum of Understanding can be signed between PU and UGC.
INFLIBNET Centre is an Autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) of UGC, involved in creating infrastructure for sharing of library and information resources and services among Academic and Research Institutions and works collaboratively with Indian university libraries.

Friday, August 24, 2012

पुस्तकालय के नाम पर 67 लाख डकारे

जितेंद्र उपाध्याय
चंदौली : तीन साल पहले जिस थ्री इडियट फिल्म को देखकर सरकारी विद्यालयों के छात्रों में तकनीकी और वैज्ञानिक खोज करने का फैसला लिया गया था वह फाइलों में कैद होकर रह गया है। मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय की इस सोच पर शिक्षा विभाग ने पूरी तरह पलीता लगा दिया है। विद्यालयों में भेजे गए लाखों रुपये बंदबांट की भेंट चढ़ गए। अकेले चंदौली जिले में इस योजना मे 67 लाख की हेराफेरी हुई है।
फिल्म में एक गरीब छात्र को पहले तकनीकि क्षेत्र में महारथी और बाद में बड़ा वैज्ञानिक दिखाया गया। इस फिल्म को देखकर न केवल प्राथमिक और पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में पुस्तकालय खोलने का फैसला लिया गया बल्कि प्राइवेट क्षेत्र में एक पाठ इस किरदार पर निर्धारित किया गया था। चंदौली के प्राथमिक और पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय की ओर से सर्व शिक्षा अभियान अंतर्गत 67 लाख रुपये भेजे गए। इसमें 979 प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में साढ़े तीन हजार की दर से 34.26 लाख रुपया आया और 465 पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में साढ़े सात हजार रुपये की दर से 32.55 लाख रुपये आया। इस धनराशि से प्रधानाध्यापक को पुस्तकालय के लिए तकनीकि और प्रतियोगी पुस्तकें खरीदनी थी। इसके अलावा देश दुनिया की जानकारी के लिए हर रोज अखबार की हेडलाइन छात्रों को बतानी थी। लाइब्रेरी के लिए आया धन कुछ महीनों तो खातों मे पड़ा रहा। पर कुछ ही महीनों बाद खातों से धनराशि गोल हो गई। इसके विरोध में कुछ हो हल्ला मचा तो दो-चार विद्यालयों में एक-दो प्रतियोगी पुस्तकें खरीद जरूर गई लेकिन वह अध्यापकों के घर की शोभा बन गई। मौजूदा समय में जिले के एक भी विद्यालय में लाइब्रेरी पुस्तक के नाम पर कुछ नहीं है। लाइब्रेरी के बारे में कुछ शिक्षकों का तो यहां तक कहना है कि जिस योजना में दुबारा धन नहीं आया तो वह योजना कैसी। उधर जिला बेसिक शिक्षा अधिकारी फूलचंद यादव का कहना है कि उन्हें ऐसी योजना के बारे में कुछ जानकारी ही नही है। कहा कि पता करवाएंगे तो बता पाएंगे कि योजना किस स्थिति में है।

कई सरकारी स्कूलों में नहीं समृद्ध पुस्तकालय

ओजस्कर पाण्डेय, चंडीगढ़
राइट टू एजुकेशन अधिनियम के तहत व सीबीएसइ के सर्कुलर के अनुसार सभी स्कूलों में विद्यार्थियों के व्यक्तित्व का विकास के लिए एक समृद्ध पुस्तकाल होना जरूरी है, लेकिन चंडीगढ़ के कई सरकारी स्कूलों में समृद्ध पुस्तकालय नहीं है। इसके साथ ही स्कूलों में अन्य विषयों की पढ़ाई के साथ पुस्तकालय में भी जाने का समय तय किया जाना भी जरूरी है, लेकिन चंडीगढ़ में कई सरकारी स्कूलों में या तो पुस्तकालय नहीं है और यदि हैं भी तो वहां पुस्तकालय लाइब्रेरियन नहीं है। जिस कारण विद्यार्थी पुस्तकालयों से लाभ लेने में वंचित हो रहे हैं।
जानकारी के अनुसार चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन के अंदर चलने वाले 15 सरकारी स्कूलों में लाइब्रेरियन का पद तो है, लेकिन यहां लाइब्रेरियन नहीं हैं। कई सरकारी स्कूल जैसे जीएचएस डड्डूमाजरा के स्कूल में जहां करीब दो हजार विद्यार्थी शिक्षा ग्रहण कर रहे हैं यहां पुस्तकालय स्कूल के बरामदे में चलाया जा रहा है। पेपर स्टेंड में बच्चे को खड़े होने की जगह नहीं मिलती है। लाइब्रेरियन की जगह स्कूल के किसी शिक्षक द्वारा काम चलाया जा रहा है। इसी तरह जीएसएसएस मलोया में जहां 2500 विद्यार्थी शिक्षा ग्रहण कर रहे हैं यहां लाइब्रेरियन का पद काफी दिनों से खाली पड़ा हुआ है। पुस्तकों की संख्या भी अधिक नहीं है।
धनास के सरकारी स्कूल में अन्य सरकारी स्कूलों की अपेक्षा पुस्तकों की संख्या अधिक है, लेकिन यहां भी लाइब्रेरियन नहीं है। सरकारी स्कूल विकास नगर मौलीजागरा में भी कमोबेश यही स्थिति है। यहां पुस्तकालय एक कमरे में किसी तरह चलाया जा रहा है। यहां न तो समीचीन पुस्तकें है और न ही इसकी कोई अन्य व्यवस्था ही है। यहां लाइब्रेरियन का पद तो है लेकिन लाइब्रेरियन नहीं है। विद्यार्थियों को जब तक नई पुस्तकें पढ़ने को नहीं मिलेगी वे अपने को कैसे अपडेट रखेंगे। सरकारी स्कूल सेक्टर-12 में भी लाइब्रेरियन का पद नहीं है यहां पुस्तकालय शिक्षकों द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है।
इस संबंध में गवर्नमेंट टीचर यूनियन के अध्यक्ष डा. विनोद शर्मा कहना था कि कई स्कूलों में लाइब्रेरियन का पद ही नहीं है ऐसे में यदि स्कूल व्यवस्था किसी अन्य शिक्षकों द्वारा पुस्तकालय चलाए तो वह कैसे दो विभाग के साथ न्याय करेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि यह मुद्दा जल्द ही डीपीआई के समक्ष उठाया जाएगा।
इस संबंध में जब डीपीआई उपकार सिंह से बात की गई तो उन्होंने कहा कि जल्द ही स्कूलों में लाइब्रेरियन के खाली पद भरे जाएंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि जिन पुस्तकालयों में पुस्तकों की कमी है वहां के लिए नई पुस्तकें खरीदी जाएंगी।

Librarian at Dnyansagar Institute of Management and Research, Pune

Last Date-5 September 2012
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LexisNexis Legal eBooks Now Available in the Amazon Kindle Store

“LexisNexis® Legal & Professional (, a leading provider of content and technology solutions, today announced that a large selection of its legal eBooks are now available in the Amazon® Kindle® Store.  Additionally, LexisNexis® eBooks on Kindle or through Kindle reading apps are also accessible through the recently launched LexisNexis® Digital Library solution. “As legal professionals and law students steadily embrace and use eBooks, our strategy is to provide them a wide diversity of options rather than forcing them into one format, one reader type or one application,” said Bob Romeo, CEO of Research and Litigation Solutions at LexisNexis Legal & Professional. “Offering LexisNexis eBooks via the Kindle store and reading applications is an important new component of that approach, and we are pleased to offer our collection on one of the world’s leading eBook shops.”

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The future of public libraries in an internet age

The Future of Public Libraries in an Internet Age By RUTH A. WOODEN

Librarian at Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh

Qualifivation: M.Lisc or B.Lisc. experienced candidates will be preferred.
Job Description
Company Profile
Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District is part of Vishnu Educational Society started by Padmabhushan DR BV Raju, is a reputed institution providing creative learning to healthcare professionals. The college offers Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Master of Dental Surgery courses.
Contact Details
Company Name :
Vishnu Dental College Bhimavaram
Website :
Executive Name :
Address :
Interested candidates may send application along with latest CV and copies of certificates, passport size photograph to:

Vishnu Dental College
Vishnupur, Bhimavaram-534202
West Godavari District
Email Address :
Telephone :

Project Assistant (Library) at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR), Mumbai

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR), Mumbai, hereby invites applicants for walk-in-Interview for one position of Project Assistant to work in HBCSE Library.
Nature of job: The candidates will be involved in shelving of books, manning circulation desk, acquisition of book and journals, accessioning of books and other materials, classification of books, data entry of books and other materials, maintenance of OPAC, providing reference services to the users, retrieval of information from electronic recourses and helping in other regular activities of the library. The selected candidate will have to work in shifts and on Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays. (By rotation)
Qualification & Experience: B. Lib. Sc. or M. Lib. Sc. with minimum 50% marks. Knowledge of computers is essential. Should have experience/knowledge of operating library software
Desirable: One or Two years experience of working in well established modern library

The position is purely temporary, for one year in the first instance and extendable by one or two more years in deserving cases. A consolidated honorarium will be paid as follows.
  • For Project Assistant with Master’s degree of library Science (M. lib. Sc.) - Rs. 10,000/- during the first year, Rs. 11,000/- during the second year and Rs. 12,000/- during the third year + 30% HRA in lieu of Government accommodation.
  • For Project Assistant with bachelor’s degree of library Science (B. lib. Sc.) - Rs. 7,500/- during the first year, Rs. 8,500/- during the second year and Rs. 9,500/- during the third year + 30% HRA in lieu of Government accommodation.
Age: Below 25 years (relaxable up to five years in deserving cases).
Applicants must bring with them the following: 1) Application mentioning post applied for, Notice Number and giving full details such as Name, Date of Birth, full address with phone/mobile number and e-mail address, Educational Qualification, experience, caste, names and addresses of two referees (attach reference certificate). 2) True copies of relevant certificates with original certificates for verification and testimonials. 3) One latest photograph. 4) Applicants in Govt. / Semi-Government / Public Sector undertakings /Autonomous body must get No Objection Certificates from their reporting Officer.
Outstation candidates belonging to SC/ST are entitled for ordinary/Mail/Express second class return railway fare by shortest route only on production of railway ticket. This concession is not applicable to those SC/ST candidates who are already in Central/State Govt. Service
Date & Time of Interview : Monday, August 27, 2012;Time: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Venue: HOMI BHABHA CENTRE FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION, T.I.F.R., (Next to Anushaktinagar Bus Terminus), V. N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088. To reach the Centre you may come by train to Mankhurd (Harbour Line) or take BEST Bus routes, 21 Ltd. from Dadar (E), 92 Ltd. or 521 Ltd. from Dadar (W), 360 from Kurla or 352 from Sion.
(M.D. Gaitonde)
Sr. Admn. Officer

Librarian for Management College Lucknow Urgent Walk_in

Job Description
The candidate will look after library operation of college
Salary: INR 1,25,000 - 1,75,000 P.A. best in Industry
Industry:Education, Teaching, Training
Functional Area:Teaching, Education, Training, Counselling
Desired Candidate Profile
Education: (UG - B.Sc - Any Specialization, Other Specialization, Diploma - Any Specialization) AND (PG - PG Diploma - Any Specialization)
Experience: 2 to 6 yrs. 
candidate must be Post graduate in Library Science with2-3year experience or Graduate in Library science will be considered for AssistantLibrarian
Company Profile
Naukri Solutions: Company is in educational sector in Lucknow
Contact Details
Recruiter Name:
Dharmendra Rajan
301, Sahara Shopping Centre Faizabad Road Indira Nagar LUCKNOW,Uttar Pradesh,India 226016

Opening of Librarian by Arya Vidya Mandir School in Mumbai

Job Description
Should be dedicated and efficient and should have a good back ground of teaching experience preferably in ICSE Schools.
Industry: Education, Teaching, Training
Functional Area: Teaching, Education, Training, Counselling
Role: Librarian
Keyskills: Bachelors Degree in Library Science
Desired Candidate Profile
Education: (UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization, Other Graduate - Any Specialization) AND (PG - Post Graduation Not Required, Other)
Experience: 0 to 5 yrs.
Resident of Mumbai Should apply. Bachelor in Librarian
Company Profile
Arya Vidya Mandir School
Arya Vidya Mandir Society manages 3 ICSE Schools affiliated to the ICSE Council located at 4 locations Santacruz [W], Bandra [W], Juhu & Bandra [E] where Indian culture & values are emphasized.
Contact Details
Recruiter Name:
Ms. Shital
Contact Company:
Arya Vidya Mandir School
Email Address:

IAS section now at Madurai library

MADURAI: A new section for IAS aspirants has been thrown open for the public at the district central library in Madurai on Wednesday.
The internet-enabled civil service aspirants section, inaugurated by collector Anshul Mishra at the library premises in Simmakkal would have a whopping 25,000 books on varied disciplines. The section has diversified collection to enable students to prepare for preliminary exams for UPSC, railway board exams, bank officers selection exam, teacher recruitment board exams, State-Level Eligibility Test (SLET) and National Eligibility Test (NET) for college faculty and books for various other competitive exams.
The section would also have encyclopaedia, dictionary for several laguages. "These books are specifically chosen to meet the requirements of the aspirants. Students should make optimum use of the books," Mishra said.
Nearly 1.5 lakh books of the total 1.87 lakh books in the district central library in Madurai have been bar-coded for online tracking and renewal by borrowers while the work is on to barcode the remaining books also. "After the completion of barcoding, readers can easily renew the date for return of borrowed books online," said librarian Krishnaveni. She said that browsing will be introduced very soon in the library.
The foundation stone for the district central library functioning in two floors was laid by then chief minister M Bakthavachalam in 1965 and was inaugurated in 1970. On an average, about 500 readers visit the library everyday. "There are no sufficient chairs when a number of readers visit the library in the evenings and weekends. We want more chairs," said a reader Shanmugam from Goripalayam.
"There are two vacancies in the library for office assistants. The vacancies are not filled up for a long time," an employee there said.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Assistant Librarian at We School Mumbai

Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, (We School) Mumbai invites applications from the deserving candidates for the post of Assistant Librarian for its Learning and Resource Centre in Mumbai.

Eligibility: M.L.I.Sc with minimum two years work experience in a good academic  library. 
The applicants should be good in IT skills and possess good proficiency in English.
The primary responsibilities of the post are:
  • Collection Development
  • Print, Online and Audio Visual Material
  • Provide reference and  information service  to faculty members and students
  • Support Library Management system  covering Circulation, Acquisition, OPAC, Reports and CD Server 
  • Maintain and  up-to-date the LRC portal 
  • Conducting and organizing  Orientation / Training  Sessions and Events for faculty and students
  • Manage the library services  at the Mumbai campus.
  • Other responsibilities may be added as and when required by the Librarian during the course of the year.

The interested candidates can send their CVs along with a passport size photograph or by courier to the following address before 8th September 2012 by clearly mentioning ?Application for the post of ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN? in the subject line of e-mail.

H R Department,
Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research
L. Napoo Road, Matunga (Central),
Mumbai- 400 019

Assistant Librarian at Health Education Library for People, CST, Mumbai

Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Librarian at  Health Education Library for People, CST, Mumbai. The candidate should possess excellent communication and administrative skills and should be able to get along well with people.  Freshers may apply.

Candidates from Mumbai only please apply.

Interested candidates may apply with full details of their Educational Qualification/Experience and post applied for to or

Ms.Anjoo Chandiramani,
Health Education Library for People, 206, Dr.D.N.Road, Gr.Floor,
Near New Excelsior Building,
CST, Mumbai - 400 001.


Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors (Library Science) at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow

e-library on law inaugurated in Ahmedabad

AHMEDABAD: An electronic law library named after justice V B Raju was inaugurated at the metropolitan court in the city.
The Late Justice Shree V B Raju e-library was inaugurated by Justice Anant Dave, Gujarat high court judge, and principal session judge S H Vora.
The e-library has four computers and two printers and the access would be totally free. The library, according to S V Raju - senior lawyer and son of Late Justice Shree V B Raju - will have the latest judgments of the high court and the Supreme Court. The library will also have the central and state laws.
"A person coming for research would have to pay for the printouts only," said Raju.
Ahmedabad rural district and session judge J N Patel was also present on the occasion. Inaugurating the library, Justice Dave asked bar members and advocates to use the e-library facility optimally.

Librarian at Pratap Institute of Technology and Science, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Library Clerk at KPB Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai

Librarian at Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management, Mumbai

Librarian at Satyug Darshan Institute of Education and Research, Faridabad

Digital content fast replacing books(TOI)

KOZHIKODE: Digital content is fast replacing printed books in libraries of higher educational institutions in the country, according to experts attending a five-day international workshop on digital libraries. The workshop began at the Indian Institute of Management-Kozhikode (IIM-K) on Monday. 

"Digital content in libraries at premier educational institutions has already grown to an unprecedented 70-80% as against printed books. Many journals are now available only in digital format," said M G Sreekumar, head, Centre for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) at IIM-K and Unesco coordinator of Greenstone Support for South Asia. 

He said there had been a paradigm shift in the way information resources were being handled by libraries following the massive influx of digital content. 

"Traditionally, libraries owned books and journals they bought or subscribed to, allowing them to make best use of the resources. But digital publishing has changed those concepts. Libraries now only get the licence to use electronic information, and even this is issued for a prescribed period," he said. The digital libraries have now become the crucial component of global information infrastructure and offer new levels of access to broader audiences. 

Inaugurating the workshop, Debashis Chatterjee, director of IIM-K, said the knowledge professionals of today should acquire the capacity and capability to foresee the future course of information and knowledge landscape in line with the new emerging world order. 

The workshop focused on Greenstone Digital Library Software, an open source software system for developing digital libraries promoted by the University Of Waikato, New Zealand and sponsored by Unesco. 

Participants will be instructed on how to design digital collections of different publications in a variety of file formats. They will also receive the Greenstone Digital Library Software.

Rare books at Directorate of Library Services

Staff reporter
GUWAHATI, Aug 21 – A repository of information and wisdom of eras long gone by continues to draw in people from today’s knowledge society. And as time goes by, its highly regarded items will only gain in value.
The collection of rare books in the Directorate of Library Services Assam at Ambari here houses some of the most difficult-to-obtain books and journals in the State. Most of the books are no longer in circulation, and therefore, difficult to acquire. The authors of some were forgotten with the passage of time, while some others went on to earn distinction in different fields.
According to official sources, the rare books section contains more than 2,370 titles in English, which include books on Assam written during the colonial period. Assamese books currently available to the reading public number nearly 900.
A book with an intrepid sounding name is Hill Tracts between Assam and Burmah and the Upper Brahmaputra. Written by Lt R Wilcox, it was published way back in 1825. It shares shelf space with other works such as the Report on the Manufacture of Tea and on the Extent and Product of the Tea Plantation in Assam, printed in 1839.
Like its protagonist, who travelled well beyond the horizon, Gulliver’s Travels managed to find its way to the exceptional book collection. The first edition of Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (in four parts) by Lemuel Gulliver, printed in 1726, was presented to the Shillong Public Library by the ‘Raja of Hill Tipperah’ through CW McMinn of the Indian Civil Service. After Meghalaya became a separate State, it moved to its present location.
A wide range of books in Assamese, no longer available in bookshops, offers insights into the way authors in the past perceived their subjects. Lakshminath Bezbaroa’s Nomal, Hem Baruah’s Asamiya Byakaran, Debakar Sarma’s Anka Path and Ram Sarasawti’s Geet Govinda are only a few of the priceless works in the rare books section, said an official.
Although not many lay people visit the rare books section, researchers from this region as well as abroad find it an interesting destination. Those acquainted with the facility agree on the need to create a digital database of the extraordinary books as their conditions will naturally deteriorate with age.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How should academic libraries communicate their own value?

UEL lib
Libraries are not synonymous for a 'large undergraduate study hall'. Instead, they can provide vital support to research and teaching roles, says Stephen Barr

A library is more than a ‘large undergraduate study hall’. Photograph: David Levene
A common complaint from my librarian friends: too often users fail to appreciate that the resources they use online are only available to them because the library has purchased them. This is aggravated by confusion about what an academic library is. Researchers actively using library resources online may not think of themselves as using the library because they have not recently visited the building.
Libraries need to overcome such confusion to ensure that the contributions they make to the university are fully appreciated. Demonstrating value is key if libraries are to be able to continue to claim their share of institutional funding.
As part of a wider focus on working with the library community, SAGE recently commissioned a research project from LISU, the Library Information Science unit at Loughborough University. Although not the first research piece on this issue, LISU's research offers an up to date, accessible insight into best practices for libraries in demonstrating value, not just in terms of use, but also in terms of impact on research and teaching outcomes.
Drawing on research from the UK, the US and Scandinavia, the LISU study shows a world in which libraries are actively engaged in gathering evidence to demonstrate their value – but challenges remain. Though a good deal of evidence is collected, much of it is evidence of activity rather than evidence of value and impact. The kind of evidence provided by the 2009 CIBER global library study, demonstrating that per capita expenditure and use of e-journals is strongly correlated to research performance, is more challenging for individual institutions to develop.
Evidence is critical not only because administrators are increasingly required to justify expenditure, but also because librarians cannot take faculty support for granted. Though librarians do get a lot of positive feedback from faculty, the LISU study shows many librarians believe that researchers do not really know how to use all the library's resources. There is also a strong sense that teaching staff are often surprised by the sorts of support on offer.
Library buildings are increasingly geared towards meeting the needs of students, with cafés and social space provided alongside information resources. At the University of Utah, a recent survey showed that many teaching and research staff regarded the library as a large undergraduate study hall. With material available online and document delivery being made directly to offices, many faculty never visited the library building.
This creates an increased risk that faculty support for libraries will erode if faculty no longer perceive themselves as actively supported by the library. Disconnects of this kind are widely perceived. One librarian said: " ... most faculty really do ignore us or take [the library] for granted, while most librarians think that we are a central part of the faculty's mission".
The LISU study highlights a number of areas where libraries are actively engaging with faculty and students, providing evidence of value more effectively. The biggest trend is in collaborative working between librarians and faculty to support research and teaching roles. Library teaching embedded in departmental courses has become an important role for libraries, contributing to enhancing students' skills in information literacy and other areas.
Some universities, particularly in the US, have moved further in developing co-teaching courses. At others, there is librarian involvement in curriculum design with a view to ensuring that information skills are embedded in the course from the start. This kind of close working between faculty and librarians can also apply in research partnerships. An example cited is the involvement of subject librarians at the University of Nottingham in systematic reviews: their time is costed and documented as part of the research project in recognition that library skills are key to the successful delivery of the project, and librarians contributing to systematic reviews are cited as co-authors on the publications.
While there are gains to be made, library contributions to teaching and research can also pose significant challenges - notably that of time management. Providing embedded information training is a time-consuming support service for the library. Librarians are also aware of the limitations on faculty time in any partnerships.
For librarians to understand the perceptions of faculty and students and know how to reach and influence them, requires effective marketing - but this isn't just a question of promotion. The research found that in delivering shared services, Purdue University emphasises the importance of framing services from a faculty rather than from a librarian perspective. Librarians engaged in research support need to "present themselves as someone who can solve a problem research staff are having directly". A similar concern came across in the issue of using appropriate language – at the University of Sussex, sessions on electronic resources are presented as 'awareness raising' rather than 'training' to avoid generating unnecessary resistance.
Asked about the biggest impediment to promoting library services, one librarian summarised the issue as: "lack of time: for library staff to have time to promote resources to individuals; for academic staff to read and digest emails or other communications". This challenge was expressed in all three regions surveyed. Given the reality of time challenges on both sides, libraries need to be smart in identifying ways of building relationships and communicating value which are effective and scaleable.
There are also recommendations for senior university managers – the full report can be downloaded here. We undertook this project as a chance to better understand how libraries can support teaching and research staff. What LISU has reported on are just a small number of examples of best practice from case studies internationally: we'd welcome further input from you and your experiences here or on the Library Value blog.
Professor Stephen Barr is president of SAGE International

WRITTEN TEST for the post of Library Assistant @ IARI, New Delhi

Download Admit for appearing in Written Test of Library 

Assistant @ IARI, New Delhi

List of eligible candidates to be appeared for WRITTEN TEST for the post of Library Assistant @ IARI, New Delhi is attached herewith [PDF] and ADMIT CARD is ready for download by Roll Number.
Name of Candidates and their Roll Numbers are given in the attached PDF file.
Date and Time of Exam : 26-08-2012 (Sunday) from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
For list of candidates mail at []
Arvind Kant Singh / अरविन्द कान्त सिंह 
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Library / पुस्तकालय, भा. कृ. अ. सं. 
Pusa, New Delhi - 110 012 / पूसा, नई दिल्ली - ११० ०१२ 
Mob: - 9013007556, 8882501138

Library Trainee at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research: Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore

Last Date-27th August 2012